January 12, 2000 Library Presentation |
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About Caroline Herzenberg
About Donald Newsom
About Craig Swietlik
About Kenneth Bertram
Uses of the Internet in Emergency Response
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Dr. Caroline Herzenberg delivered the formal part of the presentation with the other co-authors present for the Q&A segment of the hour. Jointly the presenters pointed out that that the Internet is currently very useful in support of emergency preparedness. The Internet has also been used successfully during a number of actual emergencies and in post-emergency applications. Herzenberg used several URLs in her remarks to demonstrate response and recovery uses of the Internet. Please see the on-line transcript above for active links to examples. |
Caroline L. Herzenberg is a physicist and emergency/energy systems engineer at Argonne National Laboratory. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and has conducted internationally recognized research in several fields of science and engineering, as well as in history of science and other areas. Her work in emergency preparedness has been predominantly in support of FEMA, DOE, and the U.S. Army, and has emphasized technological hazards, including primarily radiological and chemical emergency preparedness. Before joining Argonne's Emergency Preparedness Group, she worked on the development and application of nuclear instrumentation, participated in NASA's Apollo program, and taught on the faculties of Illinois Institute of Technology, the University of Illinois at the Medical Center, and California State University at Fresno. She is the author of two books and more than 100 other publications. * * * * |
![]() | DONALD E. NEWSOM, Ph.D., P.E.
Principal Investigator for Year 2000 (Y2K) emergency preparedness. Lead author of Contingency and Consequence Management Planning for Year 2000 Conversion: A Guide for State and Local Emergency Managers. Analyzed and reported State and local emergency management Y2K survey results for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the National Emergency Management Association, and the International Association of Emergency Managers. Program Manager and Principal Investigator for designing and conducting professional training in emergency management. Developed and taught over 100 courses internationally and nationally for FEMA, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S. Department of Transportation, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Atomic Energy Council of Taiwan, and other agencies. Topics have included Radiological Accident Assessment, Radiological Emergency Planning, Radiological Emergency Exercise Evaluation, Hazardous Materials Exercise Evaluation, Chemical Stockpile Exercise Evaluation and Control, DOE Emergency Exercise Evaluation and Control, Evacuation Planning and Response Actions, and the use of emergency management computer software. Project Leader for updating the technical base for emergency response planning around U.S. Army chemical stockpile sites. Coordinated the development of Emergency Planning Guides, updating site-specific Emergency Response Concept Plans. Principal Investigator for implementation of the Integrated Emergency Management Information System. Advised system developers on objectives and functional requirements from perspectives of Regional and National users. Performed quality assurance testing and evaluation of software upgrades. Developed pilot applications of evacuation, dispersion, and sound propagation models. Conducted modeling analyses of site-specific evacuation planning issues. Developed computer-based tutorials for the evacuation and dispersion models. Coordinator and Team Leader for evaluating and reporting on radiological, hazardous materials, and chemical stockpile emergency preparedness exercises. Reviewed emergency plans to assess their adequacy relative to Federal planning guidelines. Conducted technical assessments of public alert, notification, and evacuation plans. Developed criteria for evaluating Federal, State and local government emergency plans and response actions. * * * * |
![]() | CRAIG E. SWIETLIK, Ph.D.
Dr. Craig Swietlik is the Group Manager of Advanced Computer Applications in the Decision and Information Sciences Division at Argonne National Laboratory. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science/Applied Mathematics from Northwestern University and has over 20 years of experience at Argonne. He has focused on advanced information technology systems, with an emphasis on Internet applications, high-speed computer systems and networking, computer and cyber security, large-scale databases, full-text retrieval, geographic information systems, modeling and simulation, and associated tools and technologies. * * * * |
![]() | KENNETH M. BERTRAM, Ph.D. Dr. Bertram is Group Leader of the Emergency Preparedness Group. He coordinates and manages 140 Argonne professional staff (120 staff are in the group) and 50 subcontractor staff performing emergency preparedness planning, analysis, training, consequence modeling, guidance development, and evaluation activities for technological and natural hazards. Major long term programs include the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program (1981-present), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Emergency Preparedness Program (1992-present), and the U.S. Department of the Army and FEMA Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (1988-present). Recent key projects for FEMA and DOE, respectively, have involved developing a state and local emergency manager guide for contingency and consequence management planning for year 2000 conversion and subway plume dispersion modeling. Other important new projects have also been conducted for the President's Commission for Critical Infrastructure Protection, U.S. Department of Transportation, the Chemical, and Biological Nonproliferation and Defense element of the Department of Defense, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), the federal Technical Support Working Group (TSWG), and the State of Alabama. Among his more than 40 publications, major accomplishments include lead authorship of the FEMA/DOT Report to Congress on Hazardous Materials Training, Planning, and Preparedness and the FEMA guidance manual (FEMA-218) for hazardous materials emergency preparedness at railyards and adjacent communities. Ken also coauthored the National Response Team Training Committee guidance document (NRT-2) for developing hazardous materials exercise programs and the chapter on Soviet emergency preparedness and response in the U.S. factual report on the Chernobyl disaster published by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NUREG-1250, Rev. 1). In recent years, first as an ANL Section Manager and then as Group Leader, Ken has ensured that ANL's foundation-laying experience developed during evaluations of 700 radiological and hazardous materials exercises with more than 6,000 evaluators, training of more than 5,100 emergency preparedness professionals in more than 160 course offerings, and preparation of more than 300 post-exercise assessments and 380 state, local, and DOE site emergency plan reviews, has been cost-effectively applied to the emergency preparedness programs of all ANL customers. Prior to his work at ANL, Ken was a transportation consultant for Marine Management Systems, Inc. and Drake Sheahan/Stewart Dougall. A native of New Jersey, Ken earned a B.S. Degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Accounting from Fordham University, and a Masters Degree in Transportation and Ph.D. in Marketing from Michigan State University. * * * * |