March 15, 2000 Special Event

Second Annual Spring Break Student Day

with welcoming remarks by

Dr. Wayne Blanchard
FEMA Higher Education Project

Chad Johnston
International Emergency Management Student Association

featuring a discussion of

How Prepared Is Your College?

and a round or two of the wildly popular quiz game
"If You Wanted to be a Millionaire, You Wouldn't Be in This Business"


Online Transcript
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Discussion Questions

Related Sites:
University of California, Berkeley Office of Emergency Preparedness
University of Minnesota Department of Emergency Management
Brigham Young University Emergency Preparation

FEMA Disaster Resistant Universities Initiative
USFA College Fire Safety
Campus Safety Division of the National Safety Council
College Parents of America


EIIP Virtual Forum Group Discussion
Wednesday - March 15, 2000 - 12:00 Noon EST

Second Annual Student Day

Dr. Wayne Blanchard

Chad Johnston
Vice President
International Emergency Management Student Association

Amy Sebring, Moderator
EIIP Technical Projects Coordinator

The EIIP Second Annual Student Day session featured Dr. Wayne Blanchard, manager of FEMA's Higher Education Project, and Chad Johnston, Vice President of the International Emergency Management Students Association.

Dr. Blanchard discussed the progress of the Higher Education effort and stated there are currently only three States without an emergency management or related higher education program. FEMA is promoting a new philosophical orientation to emergency management that is centered first and foremost on "Building Disaster Resilient Communities."

Chad Johnston gave a brief overview of the history, purpose and growth of IEMSA. Students at the Emergency Administration and Planning Program at the University of North Texas established the organization several years ago. Since that time, the leadership of IEMSA has worked to expand IEMSA by reaching out to other schools who offer programs in Emergency Management.

A group discussion followed with session participants responding to a list of questions on the theme of "How Prepared is Your College?" At the conclusion of the hour, everyone was encouraged to participate in two rounds of a quiz game modelled on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"


  1. Why does a college/university campus need disaster planning?
  2. Is a written disaster "policy" sufficient? Whose job is it?
  3. What are some unique circumstances that should be addressed for the mitigation phase?
  4. What are some of the unique circumstances that should be addressed for the preparedness/response phase?
  5. What are some of the unique circumstances that should be addressed for the recovery phase?
  6. Should emergency procedures be routinely included during orientation?
  7. Should emergency exercises be conducted annually?
  8. Could college campuses provide an opportunity to educate our citizens for disaster awareness?
  9. What is needed in terms of planning guidance, and who should provide it?
  10. If you were to give your campus a grade for disaster planning, what would it be?

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