The Natural Hazards Sleeper
Lynn M. Highland
Coordinator, National Landslide Information Center (NLIC)
United States Geological Survey
February 18, 2004 -- 12:00 Noon Eastern Time
Transcript (HTML)
Transcript (MS Word)
Photos: 1, 2, 3
Related Websites:
National Landslide Information Center
USGS Circ. 1244, National Landslide Hazards Mitigation Strategy
USGS Press Release, Post-Fire Debris Flow Hazards Shown on New USGS Maps
USGS Fact Sheet, Debris-Flow Hazards in the United States
USGS Report, Significant Landslide Events in the United States
Lynn Highland has been a Geographer with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) since 1978. She began working for the earthquake hazards section of the USGS, researching archaeological evidence for past earthquake occurrence. Seismologists and geophysicists were attempting to extend the earthquake occurrence rate as far back in history as possible in order to look at the probability of recurrence in the future.
In 1995 she was re-assigned to the Landslide Hazards section of USGS as coordinator for the National Landslide Information Center (NLIC). She has worked extensively on international programs with USGS, on the United States landslide inventory, the coordination of landslide hazard with the emergency response community, and has published extensively on the socio-economic impact of landslides in communities. Current projects include publication of a Planning handbook for urban planners, with the cooperation of the American Planning Association (APA) and the development of a more basic handbook for landslide hazard mitigation that will be published in several languages.
She has a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology from Colorado State University, and Master's degree in Geography from the University of Colorado.