The Pipeline Emergencies Program
A National Training Curriculum
Blaine Keener
Community Assistance & Technical Services (CATS) Coordinator for Pipelines
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
U.S. Department of Transportation
Elizabeth Tucker
Director, Safe Energy and Transportation Programs
National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM)
Roy L. Marshall
Iowa State Fire Marshal (Retired)
February 8, 2006
Transcript (HTML)
Transcript (MS Word)
Related Websites:
The Pipeline Emergencies Program
Program Materials (instructor guide, chapters, and scenarios)
National Association of State Fire Marshals
Partnership for Excellence in Pipeline Safety
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
Blaine Keener is the Community Assistance & Technical Services (CATS) Coordinator for Pipelines within the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). The CATS Program, which began in 2002, seeks to facilitate communications among all pipeline safety stakeholders. Components of the CATS Program include Damage Prevention, Pipeline Repair Permit Facilitation, Public Awareness, and Encroachment. Blaine manages two Cooperative Agreements, one with the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) and one with the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM). Blaine holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from Lehigh University and a Masters in Management from the State University of New York at Oswego.
Elizabeth Tucker is the Director of the National Association of State Fire Marshals' Safe Energy and Transportation Programs. The National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM) is made up of the most senior fire officials in the United States. State Fire Marshals' responsibilities vary from state to state, but Marshals tend to be responsible for fire safety code adoption and enforcement, fire and arson investigation, fire incident data reporting and analysis, public education and advising Governors and State Legislatures on fire protection. Ms Tucker has worked with NASFM for three years and studied international business at the American University of Rome in Italy.
With a long distinguished fire service career going back to 1965 as a firefighter, Roy Marshal served as the Iowa State Fire Marshal from 1989 through 2000. Although now retired, Marshal was active in many related organizations such as the Iowa Association of Building Officials, Iowa Firefighters and Fire Chiefs Associations, the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), National Council of States on Building Codes and Standards, the NFPA Technical Committee on Underground Spaces, and many others. He is still working with the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM).