Emergency Response Official Credentials
A Smart Card Alliance White Paper

Salvatore D'Agostino
Secretary, Identity Council Steering Committee
Smart Card Alliance (SCA)
CEO, IDmachines

January 14, 2009

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Related Websites:
Smart Card Alliance White Paper, Emergency Response Official Credentials
Smart Card Alliance Home
12/22/08 Federal Register Notice: NIMS Guideline for the Credentialing of Personnel
Draft NIMS Guideline
Comment Form (Comments Due 1/21/09)

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20 Ratings Submitted: 20 attended, 0 read, 0 viewed
1 (5%) Academia 3 (15%)
7 (35%) Business 4 (20%)
8 (40%) Government 8 (40%)
3 (15%) Volunteers 3 (15%)
1 (5%) Other 2 (10%)

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"Better presention would be greatly helpful. Attentiveness was an issue."

"Very interesting discussion and currently looking into its possible adaptation to meet the needs of businesses and VOADs involved in the initial emergency response."
Shannon Strother
NIMSAT Institute

"The discussion of costs of the Smart Card credential was very helpful."

"I have been hearing about the technology and what was expected. Wanted to hear the truth - not just rumor."
Tim Nilson
Seven Mountains EMS Council

"Information was good, but complex. Someone else could've presented it in a fashion understandable to the layman."

"Good presentation. The year 2009 should be added to the drop down menu." [Note: The rating form has been fixed to include 2009. Thanks to several reviewers for pointing this out.-ajs]

"Could not connect with video and voice. For the Q&A, would be helpful to summarize answers for people with no voice."
Wally Miyasaki
City & County Honolulu

"Good Session and worked well. This is the 1st 'Live meeting' of EMForum I have been part of and it is MUCH better than the old format. "

"Due to system issues, I did not hear the presentation."

"It would have been just as easy to get the information from the meeting documents. I'm sure our speaker is very knowledgeable but he was difficult to listen to. I found my mind wandering off to other things. I do really appreciate the opportunity to participate and would love to do so in the future as well. Thank you!"

"Timely for us, as regional Emergency Managers are looking at this topic and how to move forward with indentification and who should be supporting/maintaining this. Knowing that there is information on credentialing out there and being aware of key factors/challenges, assists us in this process. Thank you."
Ginger Sherlock
Langley Emergency Program

"The forum was limited to background on technology and background on need for credentials. It's hard to cover more in one hour, but the forum did provide wider understanding and info for further action. The one hour format is excellent because it is limited and makes it possible for those of us who do not work in this area fulltime to become informed."

"I honestly believe we need a National Identification System. I would go as far to say that every citizen should be 'medically chipped' and this chip would work in conjunction with the ID Card. And don't screw around with hackers, make it the death penalty, right up front, for trying to breach the security of the system."
Budd Johnson

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Salvatore D'Agostino is CEO of IDmachines, Cambridge, MA. IDmachines provide design, integration, strategy and sales services for the converged security, machine intelligence and technology transfer markets. For 5 years prior to IDmachines, Sal was at CoreStreet, Ltd. leaving as EVP, and 18 years before that at Computer Recognition Systems, Inc. leaving as CEO.

Sal helped provide DHS and FEMA with the initial first responder authentication credential (FRAC) system as well as many of the subsequent deployments and use of the FIPS 201 based FRAC. Sal is Secretary of the Smart Card Alliance (SCA) Identity Council Steering Committee, and principal author of the recent SCA Emergency Response Official (ERO) credentialing white paper.

Sal is also a member of the Security Industry Association PIV Working Group, the American Society for Industrial Security, the Transportation Research Board's Freeway Operation Committee, a charter member of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers' Machine Vision Association, and former Chairman of the Intelligent Transportation Society of Massachusetts. Sal is a 1978 graduate of Harvard College.

About the Smart Card Alliance Identity Council

The Smart Card Alliance Identity Council is focused on promoting the need for technologies and usage solutions regarding human identity information to address the challenges of securing identity information and reducing identity fraud, and to help organizations realize the benefits that secure identity information delivers. The Council engages a broad set of participants and takes an industry perspective, bringing careful thought, joint planning, and multiple organization resources to bear on addressing the challenges of securing identity information for proper use.