The Public Safety Spectrum Trust
Creating a Nationwide Wireless Broadband Network for Public Safety

Kevin McGinnis, MPS, EMT-P
Vice Chairman, Public Safety Spectrum Trust

March 11, 2009

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Related Websites:
Public Safety Spectrum Trust
FCC Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau 700 MHz Web Page

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18 Ratings Submitted: 18 attended, 0 read, 0 viewed
4 (22%) Academia 2 (11%)
11 (61%) Business 5 (28%)
3 (17%) Government 9 (50%)
0 (0%) Volunteers 2 (11%)
0 (0%) Other 0 (0%)

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"Helpful to get an update on the current state of affairs in this important topic. Thanks."

"Great presentation, minus the choppy audio, was very insightful."

"Clearly explained for someone who isn't technically sharp on this issue. Much better understanding of the complexity of this endeavor."
Ken Kipper

"Excellent, informative presentation. Gave the attendees a real sense of where we are at on the Public Safety Spectrum issue and what needs to be done."
Murphy Palmer
CIT/CLAROS Communications

"Kevin was Great! These are helpful. Can you get Craig Fugate on one of these?"

"Audio was not good this session. Problems continued throughout. Would like to hear more about what will actually be done and how they propose to get private companies to finance this."

"Excellent presentation, and a good overview of a topic more of us in the EM community should understand better. Oftentimes, this knowledge is limited to the communications officers at EMA's, when administrative, planning, and other operational personnel should understand what will be changing."
Paul Hogue

"This was a great topic and well presented. This is a subject that all emergency responders and managers need to monitor and provide input. Thanks."
James Ciulla
Putnam County

"Poor audio. Not sure if it was your side or my side breaking up."
Bruce Barton
Rescue International

"Very helpful, however raised as many questions as forum answered, e.g., where are funds for state and local entities coming from to participate in 700MHz build out? DHS, FEMA, other Federal agencies? Thanks. Greatly enjoyed today's webinar."
Randy Anderson
AnCom Inc.

"Very informative and timely. This technology represents an important resource for "data interoperability" for public safety providers."
Rick Amweg
Ohio Board of Regents

"The session reviewed how the whole process began, where it is and where it is going. The session explained how the private sector was involved and how the nationwide broadband network would benefit public safety and not cost the government any money or decrease any existing program's funding. It was great to hear 'an in process status' of this sometimes misunderstood program of removing TV stations broadcast frequencies and reallocating the same frequencies to public safety."
Vance Duncan
City of Erie, Bureau of Fire

"This is a great concept, and as a fire based ALS EMS provider, I see many applications for the use of this bandwidth and the information it could provide. The problem is, as a rural system provider that has more then 500 square miles of PSA, and provides intercept coverage for an additional 560 square miles, we cannot utilize the technology that the market has available today because of cost. How can we address the infrastructure costs needed to use the system, even if the backbone of the system is made available at no cost?

I believe that we need to strive towards these goals presented, but must be realistic in the ability of the people using them. If this bandwidth is to be sold, then the provider that purchases it should have an obligation to work with the rural providers to make sure they can use it. Ultimately it will improve patient care and reduce costs, but most systems in our area would not be able to afford the cost of the equipment to take advantage of the system."
Darrell Knapper
Virginia Fire Department

"It was nice to hear a fellow telecommunications type talking about the (almost non existent) wireless bandwidth available for emergency response."
Heart Beacon

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Kevin McGinnis is Vice Chairman of the Public Safety Spectrum Trust Corporation. A practicing paramedic, Mr. McGinnis has been involved with the delivery of emergency medical services since 1974 and is expert in evaluating local, regional and state EMS systems and ambulance services.

Since 2000, Mr. McGinnis has been a Program Advisor for the National Association of State EMS Officials, specializing in communications systems technology, data systems and rural EMS. He also serves four national EMS associations as communications technology advisor. From 1986 to 1996 he was EMS director for the state of Maine. He is a past ambulance service chief and hospital emergency department director.

In addition to the PSST, Mr. McGinnis is Vice-Chair of the Department of Homeland Security's SAFECOM Executive Committee, and Vice-Chair of that Department's e-Gov Disaster Management (Data Communications) Practitioner Steering Group. He is also an active member of both the ITS America Public Safety Advisory Group and the National Traffic Incident Management Coalition.

Mr. McGinnis holds a Bachelor of Arts from Brown University in Health Care Delivery Systems and a Master of Professional Studies from Cornell University in Hospital and Health Services Administration.

About the Public Safety Spectrum Trust

The Public Safety Spectrum Trust Corporation (PSST) is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the District of Columbia. It has been selected by the FCC as the Public Safety Broadband Licensee for the 10 MHz of 700 MHz public safety nationwide broadband spectrum. The PSST’s mission is to provide an organizational structure through which decisions of national public safety leadership can guide the construction and operation of an interoperable nationwide public safety-grade broadband network. The network will be built and paid for by the commercial D Block auction winner, consistent with the Network Sharing Agreement (NSA) to be negotiated between the PSST and the D Block licensee.