Effective Emergency Management
Making Improvements for Communities and People with Disabilities

Brenda D. Phillips, Ph.D.
Researcher, Center for the Study of Disasters and Extreme Events
Professor, Fire and Emergency Management Program
Oklahoma State University

Elizabeth A. Davis
Consultant, EAD & Associates, LLC

August 26, 2009

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Related Websites:
National Council on Disabilities (NCD)
Effective Emergency Management: Making Improvements for Communities and People with Disabilities

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29 Ratings Submitted
7 (24%) Academia 3 (10%)
10 (34.5%) Business 6 (21%)
10 (34.5%) Government 8 (28%)
2 (7%) Volunteers 5 (17%)
0 (0%) Other 7 (24%)

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"More excerpts of Federal report would have been useful, rather than referring everyone to the NCD website. Good job."
Lt. Ron
University of Alaska

"Amy, I bellieve that emergency managers recognize the need to do these things. The problem is lack of time at the local level to get things done. This issue came up at the Natural Hazards Workshop this year and will likely be discussed in a panel discussion next year."
Bob Goldhammer
IAEM Region VII President

"I am assisting with a pet planning and special needs sheltering project for the St. Louis region and this report will be very helpful. Thank you!"

"It was good hearing from both Dr. Phillipps and Elizabeth Davis. They are both very knowledgeable and capable women in their respective fields."
Leslie Little
HELPU Fire Life Safety

"Good information and easy to attend. Well moderated."
Chip Wilson
Florida Division of Emergency Management

"Very informative. Thank you for the information. I will be able to incorporate it into areas that address Special Needs Planning. I will use your suggestion on personalizing Registry Ready. Thank you."
Susan Dobisch
Advancing Opportunities

"Thank you for offering this program."

"I'll know more once I read the document."

"Excellent presentation. Great incorporation of slides and Q&A. Please continue to provide presentations on this topic: inclusion of special needs populations in emergency management."
Peg Blechman
Access Board

"Wish the session could have been even longer. Very Interesting. Great speakers."

"This forum provided a brief overview of the Special Needs Report and addressed some of the Key Findings in the report. This will help Emergency Managers as they begin to strenthen their ties to the community and plan for disasters and emergencies. Looking forward to reading and researching this topic and being able to improve our planning and preparedness efforts to address these issues prior to, during and after an emergency."
Tanya Light
Lehigh County Emergency Management Agency

"Fantastic webforum. I found it extremely useful summarizing the NCOD report. I am responsible for Emergency Management and Response for the Disability Community. I was about to distribute the link, so people could review the recording. Since it is not captioned, will you be providing a text transcript of the recording? I would like to reference that before I distribute the email. Thanks for providing this event..It was also well organized and the delivery was excellent."
George Heake
Institute on Disabilities, Temple University

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Dr. Brenda Phillips teaches emergency management and research methods courses, with particular expertise in disaster recovery and high-risk populations. She is a researcher with the Center for the Study of Disasters and Extreme Events and a faculty member in the Fire and Emergency Management Program. Dr. Phillips served as lead researcher for the NCD report.

Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, U.S. Geological Survey, and the Natural Hazards Center. She taught in Costa Rica through a Rotary Foundation International Grant, received a Fulbright-Hays Award to Pakistan, and participated in a National Science Foundation Researcher Exchange with the People’s Republic of China.

She has given invited presentations in New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Costa Rica, India and at the U.S. National Academies of Science, Church World Services, National Weather Service Training Center, and to various state offices of emergency management.

Her work has been published in the Journal of Emergency Management, Disaster Management, Disasters, the International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, Sociological Focus and Humanity and Society.

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Elizabeth Davis is an emergency management consultant specializing in Special Needs planning, disaster human services and related issues through her firm EAD & Associates, LLC in New York. Ms. Davis led the research team in the development of the NCD report.

She previously served with the NYC Office of Emergency Management as Special Needs Advisor. There she was responsible for ensuring that all elements of planning, response and recovery incorporated the unique needs of the disability community, senior population, and medically dependent persons. She functioned in this capacity overseeing the Board of Education Y2K planning; planning for city-wide sheltering operations; coordinating transit strike/disruption responses; coordinating the public information lines during the West Nile virus outbreaks and throughout the events of September 11th.

Ms. Davis now consults for public jurisdictions and agencies, private businesses, home based care agencies, residential health care organizations. She retired as the first Director of the National Organization on Disability's Emergency Preparedness Initiative but remains an advisor to DHS and FEMA, sits on several national advisory boards, has been a court appointed subject matter expert, participates in many major conferences and web forums and has had materials published on the subject of Special Needs emergency preparedness.