The Great California ShakeOut
Second Annual Statewide Earthquake Drill

Mark L. Benthien
Director for Communication, Education, and Outreach
Southern California Earthquake Center
University of Southern California

Executive Director
Earthquake Country Alliance

November 4, 2009

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Related Websites:
Southern California Earthquake Center
Earthquake Country Alliance

18 Ratings Submitted
2 (11%) Academia 1 (5.5%)
9 (50%) Business 2 (11%)
4 (22%) Government 9 (50%)
3 (17%) Volunteers 5 (28%)
0 (0%) Other 1 (5.5%)

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"Thank you."
Rosanne Garrand
WA State EMD

"Great presentation"
Linda Underwood

"This is an area that we really need to work on in the preparedness portion of emergency management for the the different portions of the US. Thank you for the efforts put forth in this drill. I found this information useful."
Pearline Howald

"This was a very worthwhile presentation. I will look at the ShakeOut web site. It sounds like they have some excellent info that they are willing to share. Thanks!"
Mike Calvert
Central US Earthquake Consortium (CUSEC)

"Perhaps a consolidated After-Action-Report - if available - would provide the level of detail needed to take away 'lessons learned'."
Benton CO EMA

"If there is a major eathquake event, I would assume that calls for out of state (non-affected) regional assistance will be greatly needed. With that being the case, is there any effort being developed on how to contact out of state (non-affected) regional areas? I live in the state of Texas, but would certainly volunteer to assist if such a need appears. I am a CERT volunteer for Dallas County."
Davis Tubre
Dallas CERT

"Sounds like a great effort to improve citizen preparedness and life safety. I applaud your efforts to get government agencies and legislative bodies involved. Regional and statewide coordination of response efforts and resource deployment will be essential. California does better than most for this when it comes to earthquakes and fires, but it is always a challenge to get agencies and jurisdictions to work together."

"Excellent presentation, thought provoking and up to date--thank you for the opportunity."
W. C. Niederee, MD

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Mark Benthien is Director for Communication, Education and Outreach (CEO) for the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC).

Mr. Benthien communicates earthquake knowledge to end-users and the general public in order to increase earthquake awareness, reduce economic losses, and save lives. To do this he 1) coordinates productive interactions among SCEC scientists and with partners in science, engineering, risk management, government, business, and education; 2) manages activities that increase earthquake knowledge and science literacy at all educational levels; 3) leads efforts to improve earthquake hazard and risk assessments; and 4) promotes earthquake preparedness, mitigation, and planning for response and recovery.

Many of these efforts are in coordination with members of the Earthquake Country Alliance, a private-public partnership of organizations that provide earthquake information and services, for which Mr. Benthien serves as Executive Director. In this role he is the lead organizer of the Great California ShakeOut, a new annual earthquake drill with millions of participants throughout the state.

Mr. Benthien received a Bachelor of Science degree in Geophysics from the University of California Los Angeles in 1995, and a Master of Public Policy degree from USC in 2003.