Learning from Disasters Abroad
International Day for Disaster Reduction

Ellis M. Stanley, Sr., CEM
Director of Western Emergency Management Services
Dewberry, LLC

October 13, 2010

Live Meeting Recording (WMV) This is a large file and requires Windows Media Player or Windows Media Components for QuickTime, or a similar product to view.
Transcript (HTML)
Transcript (MS Word)



Related Websites:
9/30/10 Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee Hearing
Ellis Stanley Testimony
ISDR World Disaster Reduction Campaign 2010-2011

33 Ratings Submitted
11 (33%) Academia 3 (9%)
18 (55%) Business 8 (24%)
2 (6%) Government 10 (30%)
2 (6%) Volunteers 6 (18%)
0 (0%) Other 6 (18%)

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"Excellent though the presentation went quickly."

"Good session with real world examples."

"The information was extremely informative. Thank you for presenting."
Jean Davidson
Booz Allen Hamilton

"Excellent. Please consider a follow-up with a focus on children and women in these disasters to also include Hurricane Katrina."
Dr. Jacqueline McBride

"It would be nice to include representation from the international community. Ellis is very knowledgeable and insightful about these matters. Thanks."
Randy Rowel
Morgan State University

"There was not a real review/comparison of the two events. The information, while good, was general preparedness messaging."

"Good session. Would be interested in more information on how utilities were impacted and the recovery efforts."
Diane Cullen
Terasen Gas

"Enjoyed the session and Q&A. Thanks for having this forum."
St. John

"The information presented by Mr. Stanley was very useful and insightful. It was a great session."
Carole Y. Johnson
CYJ Enterprises, LLC

"This was a very good and informative program; I would recommend using this speaker again."
James Howson

"Gave a good perspective for both Chile and Haiti. The US could take away lessons learned. Many thanks to Mr. Stanley for his talk and especially his responses to the varied questions."
Jan Riddle

"Affirmed much of the standard knowledge shared in the EM world. Would love to figure out the motivator for people really embracing the preparedness culture, as Ellis described with the 'seismic culture' discussion."
Kirby Felts

"Great presentation. Identified some important choke points to consider. Would be great to provide more of these focused around the some of the specific points raised. Thank you."

"Excellent workshop/presentation. Very approachable and well informed speaker. Thank you. Great to see that we are doing more to celebrate/acknowledge International Disaster Reduction Day."
Ben Curran

"Boy, the slides went by quickly! Info was good reinforcement of EM theory."
Bob Goldhammer

"Good information and great learning points that can be applied "

"Really liked the perspective of the role of "training" that is inherent in a culture and how that contributes to success (or failure) of community & individual response during an event."
Karen Yeargain
Crook County Health Dept

"Outstanding! Extremely knowledgeable speaker, great photos on slides, excellent Q&A. Thanks!"
Mike Calvert
Central US Earthquake Consortium

"The presenter stated that the American Red Cross and other voluntary organizations are all 100% volunteeers, including their senior leadership. There are paid staff amongst the non-profit organizations so they are not 100% volunteers. I just wanted to clarify that, unless I misunderstood him. Otherwise, great presentation!"

"Excellent overview, well-informed speaker, excellent slides. Shared firsthand information based on exposure to real-line experiences and observations--not from a script."

"Very informative. I think that in populous urban and peri-urban areas many people have not been touched by emergency preparedness training. I can see people coming together to a degree, but when you add an emegency on top of already existing social tensions without training or awareness raising beforehand, it would definately lead to a social disaster. You can't focus solely on self reliance as one of the last commenters indicated. That won't get you far in an actual emergency because there are others around you that you should also be responsible to."

"I feel it is extremely important that everyone knows what to do during the early hours of any disaster. Preparedness is key to saving lives. Our thoughts and actions can't be focused on individuals/self...everyone must do what they can to lessen the effect of the disaster and heighten the opportunities to save lives."

"Outstanding in every sense of the word! A contribution that will be useful for for many years for all sectors."
Walter Hays
Global Alliance for Disaster Reduction

"The speaker was succint in the short amount of time he had to present; however this allowed for questions which were very interesting as were the answers."

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Ellis Stanley has an international reputation having led delegations of Emergency Management professionals to China and Japan for a professional exchange programs as well as having conducted seminars on emergency management in Trinidad, Tobago and Israel. He recently was part of a multi-disciplinary team that researched Haiti and Chile following major earthquakes, and testified regarding lessons learned before the Senate Homeland Security Ad Hoc Subcommittee on State, Local, and Private Sector Preparedness and Integration during September 2010. He has conducted Senior Crisis Management Seminars for Argentina, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Paraguay, Jordon, Turkey, and Taiwan.

Mr. Stanley's 35+ years of work experience in emergency management began as Director of Emergency Management for Brunswick County, North Carolina in 1975. In 1982 he
was appointed as the Director of the Durham-Durham County Emergency Management Agency. In 1987 he was appointed as the Director of the Atlanta-Fulton County Emergency Management Agency. In 1997 he moved to the city of Los Angeles to serve as Assistant City Administrative Officer, and in 2000 as the General Manager of the Emergency Preparedness Department until his retirement in 2007. Mr. Stanley joined Dewberry, LLC in November 2007 as Director of Western Emergency Management Services.

Mr. Stanley is a past President of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM), the American Society of Professional Emergency Planners (ASPEP), the Atlanta Chapter of the National Defense Transportation Association (NDTA) and the Atlanta Chapter of the National Forum for Black Public Administrators.

Mr. Stanley serves as an instructor at American University where he teaches Senior Crisis Management /Command & Control. He also serves as an instructor at Harvard University where he teaches Meta-Leadership.