Planning for the Nuclear Threat in the 21st Century

Donald M. Lumpkins, Esq.
Branch Chief, National Planning Coordination and Assistance
National Preparedness Directorate, FEMA/DHS

January 12, 2011

Live Meeting Recording (WMV) This is a large file and requires Windows Media Player or Windows Media Components for QuickTime, or a similar product to view.
Transcript (HTML)
Transcript (MS Word)

Related Websites:
Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation, 2nd Edition
Planning Guidance for Protection and Recovery Following RDD and IND Incidents
National Response Framework Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex

HHS Radiation Emergency Medical Management
Updated Ready.Gov Information on the Nuclear Threat
Development and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans (CPG-101)

39 Ratings Submitted
5 (13%) Academia 6 (15%)
20 (51%) Business 7 (18%)
9 (23%) Government 19 (49%)
5 (13%) Volunteers 4 (10%)
0 (0%) Other 3 (8%)

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[Note: Several comments were received to update the feedback form to include the year 2011. We appreciate your bringing to our attention and we have corrected.]

"I appreciated Doc's insight into the domestic IND threat...thought provoking."
Ben Brewer

"Excellent presentation, looking foward to reviewing the guidance. Doc always does and leads nice work!!!!"
Russ Strickland

"Thanks, Don, Avagene and Amy ... great job!"
Lloyd Bokman
CEDAR Global

"Used to work with Doc Lumpkins..he gave an outstanding presentation."
Ed McDonough
Maryland EMA

"Would like more information about local response teams."
David Huber
Baker Hughes

"Very informative session."
Phil Simpkin
Baker Hughes

"Very pertinent and will need to shift our focus, communication, and training away from 50s scenarios."
Marla Kendig

"Good 101 awarness, however what is next in dealing with the IND incident? or may be consider an "All Hazards Crisis Communications" approach? Thanks."
R Brisley
Charlotte Fire Dept

"Excellent food for thought. I have had this question posed to me at some outreach programs I've conducted. It's always good to have some 'official' words backing up what I tell people."
Michael Boldosser
Talbot County (MD) Dept of Emergency Services"

"Helpful session. Answer to the federal incident commander question was not good to say '...that is not my area.' Don is the lead planner so he has to know and write guidance for state and locals so he should just say it. Yes, as fast as we can get one there it will be federalized and a joint command post will be installed with fed lead for investigation and recovery. No problem, but the planning guidance needs to say so. State/local it is your job to save lives and protect property immediately as always. Don't be shy Don."

"Speaker indicated that the new materials are being driven by the results of previous exercises and data obtained. However, he was unable to point to where that information is (After Action Reports) and what the 'Gaps' were? Does/will the new guides close all of the 'Gaps?' If not, what are the major obsticles/barriers to closing those gaps?"
Jim Hammill
Researcher, Monmouth U.

"As far as it went, the presentation was informative. I believe that providing better emergency public information (EPI) means revising how EPI fits into incident management. The classic span of control for ICS needs to be broadened to have a separate information function that reports directly to the Incident Commander or EOC manager directly without filtering. This, information can be come both a push and pull resource. Standing up A JIC usually comes later in the Response cycle. Having EPI operating as a full emergency management partner earlier in events can only help."
Richard A. Rudman
Broadcast Warning Working Group (BWWG)

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Doc Lumpkins currently serves as Branch Chief for National Planning Coordination and Assistance, National Preparedness Directorate (NPD), FEMA. In this position he oversees the development of national planning doctrine, catastrophic preparedness planning initiatives and tailored technical assistance programs to support prevention, protection, response, and recovery missions. Mr. Lumpkins responsibilities include supporting state, local, tribal, and territory planning activities, establishing catastrophic priorities and programs, and managing and developing technical assistance programs to support a variety of preparedness initiatives. Mr. Lumpkins is the lead author/editor for Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101, which provides planning guidance for the development and maintenance of emergency operations plans.

Prior to joining the Federal government, Mr. Lumpkins served as Assistant Director for Domestic Preparedness at the Maryland Emergency Management Agency where he led the development and implementation of the State's consequence management policy for weapons of mass destruction and cyber-terrorism incidents. Mr. Lumpkins served as a liaison with law enforcement during the 9/11 terrorist attacks and has provided operational and ESF #5 leadership during a number of natural disasters and HAZMAT events, as well as the 2001 Anthrax attacks. As Assistant Director, Mr. Lumpkins also worked closely with the Maryland General Assembly to address homeland security and emergency management priorities, as well as supported and participated in media interviews and public outreach during major events and disasters.

Mr. Lumpkins earned his Bachelor of Science in International Affairs from the Georgia Institute of Technology and his Juris Doctor from the University of Baltimore in Baltimore, Maryland.