Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8)
and the National Preparedness System

Donald M. Lumpkins, Esq.
Executive Director, PPD-8 Program Executive Office
Branch Chief, National Planning Coordination and Assistance
National Preparedness Directorate, FEMA/DHS

January 11, 2012

Live Meeting Recording (WMV) This is a large file and requires Windows Media Player or Windows Media Components for QuickTime, or a similar product to view.
Audio Podcast (MP3)
Transcript (HTML)
Transcript (MS Word)


Related Websites:
PPD-8 on National Preparedness
FEMA PPD-8 Website
FEMA PPD-8 IdeaScale Website
PPD-8 Implementation Plan
National Preparedness Goal

National Preparedness System Description
Strategic National Risk Assessment
National Disaster Recovery Framework

94 Ratings Submitted
18 (19%) Academia 11 (12%)
47 (50%) Business 12 (13%)
25 (27%) Government 58 (62%)
4 (4%) Volunteers 4 (4%)
0 (0%) Other 9 (9%)

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"Having the speaker differentiate the differences between Bush Administration Frameworks and Capabilities to the new capabilities / frameworks was the single most important aspect."

"Doc Lumpkins gave a nice introductory presentation of PPD8. I'd like to see a discussion of how the various frameworks might be linked with a specific example."

"It helps to hear the terminology in context of the whole picture."
John Christensen
Town of West Tisbury

"Enhancements to the current status of disaster management to be inclusive of all populations and provides integration of organizations for common goals are critical. Specific metrics and incentives need to be delineated and monitored in order to be successful."
Marla Kendig

"Very good. I would like a copy of the powerpont and or recording if possible."

"Although I understand the concept, it seems like just more levels of planning which will result in greater effort by local asset when they are already stretched. We haven't even gotten alot of the previous plans implement in the trenches. What we need to do is simplify the process. There are parts of our response teams (nuclear power) that don't even use ICS and NIMS. FEMA grades us on a system that is 30 to 40 years old. We have along way to go."
John H. Mitchell
Bridgewater Emergency Management Agency

"I have had the opportunity to hear as well as talk directly with Doc on this topic and note with great pleasure that he is consistent, straight-foward, and honest. It is refreshing to see this direction for the federal government and to identify this as the "Nation's Preparedness" thus focused on the essential relationships of all levels of government; local, state and federal. Doc is perfect to lead, direct and provide guidance for this initative. His experience of actually working at the local, state and federal level is his strength. Excellent presentation. (His Mom would be very proud!!)"
Russ Strickland
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab

"It would be helpful to understand how each componet replaces existing guidance such as the TCL. Has this been replaced with the Core Capabilities? Has teh 15 National Planning Componets been replaced? Does Emergency Manangement now have five mission areas instead of four? Thank you."
Jeff Guthrie
Piam County

"The concepts of the National Preparedness System were well presented at a high level. The speaker, Doc Lumpkins, did a fine job anticpating the interests and backgrounds of the audience. He presented a reassuring, even inspiring, shift of the federal perspective, including genuine calls for participation and review."
Richard (DJ) Waddell
JHU Applied Physics Lab

"Mr. Lumpkins was an excellent presenter! Very clear, knowledgeable, and his powerpoint was well organized! I plan to share this information with my leadership team."
Lynne Miller
King County Emergency Management

"Excellent update of the progress on this project. I am not only involved in American Red Cross Disaster Relief, but also am an IMT member for our Regional Task Force, serve on PA's Volunteer & Donations Management Team, as president of Central PA VOAD and on the Executive Committee of PA VOAD. These changes will impact many of these organizations and how they go about fulfilling their missions. Regular, timely updates on the changes is fully appreciated."
Romayne B. Naylor
American Red Cross

"Seems like there's beginning to be too many 'Frameworks,' 'Plans,' 'Systems' coming out of Federal Gov't now. Need to have these flow charted to visualize how they tie together or get a better handle on what, if anything, has gone away or been replaced."
Keith Kotch
Orange County (FL) Emergency Management

"Interesting forum. Thank you for inviting us and allowing us the opportunity to give feedback."
Paul Timmons

"Good overview information but there is still a lot of work to be done which means things could change at any point. Such a lengthy, complicated process makes it difficult for emergency managers to work day-to-day with confidence."

"Thank you, DOC. The 31 capability slide was most helpful."
Ed McDonough
Maryland EMA

"Thank you for bringing this information. Doc Lumpkins provided a very concise yet very thorough briefing on where we stand now, where we are headed, and confirmed that this is an 'evolution not a revolution.' Very, very helpful."
Deborah Matherly
The Louis Berger Group

"Thank you for another excellent forum. Suggest that you reschedule Doc Lumpkins in a month or two for updates regarding PPD8 implementation."
Jane Teehan
FEMA Region I

"It would be great to have an update in a few months."
Victor Cid

"It was a good overview of the direction in which the federal government is shifting toward in emergency management."
Wendell Brewer
Illinois Emergency Management Agency

"Great overview of the evolution of the NPS components. Thank you!"
Kirby Felts
University of Virginia EM

"Great explaination of PPD-8 and the timeline for completion."
Lt. Ken Chavez
Denver Police Department & Denver Office of Emergency Management & Homeland Security

"Much of this information was applicable at a higher level than I normally deal with but it did give an idea of how some of our programs originate and what they are intended to accomplish."
Forrest Price

"Helps me prepare for/address changes in local planning efforts."
Don Wilkinson
Okla State Dept of Health

"I'd like more help for geared specifically toward each federal agency with information on how they can implement the PPD8 directive for their consituents."

"Thanks this was my first webinar and I found it very informative and I look forward to future events."
Gary Robinson
Town of Aquinnah, MA.

"No new information provided. All information presented is available on FEMA's website."

"Glad to see the EMForum continuing to bring major players to the table to address us directly. Thank you for offering these sessions."

"Doc provided extremely infomative info and use approaches for the way ahead."
Debbie Dolic

"Excellent and informative."
Dr. Jacqueline McBride

"Doc is always a great presenter. Thank him please for his efforts."
Mariano Gonzalez
Arizona Division of EM

"We are seeing the program shifts in public health at the state and local level, so this overview was helpful."

"Good overview."
William Wolfe
Az Division of Emergency Managment

"Excellent briefing."

"Introductory in nature."

"Thank you for providing this excellent opportunity!"
Randy Scrivner

"The presentation helped me understand the maturation of the Framework process, it's strategic nature and focus and the way forward. The briefing was helpful."
Quentin M. Frazier
City of Los Angeles - Emergency Management Dept.

"I will be looking for updates. Thank you."

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Beginning June 2011, Doc Lumpkins has been responsible for establishing the Program Executive Office charged with coordinating the implementation of Presidential Policy Directive / PPD-8 on National Preparedness, and currently serves as its Executive Director.

He also serves as Branch Chief for National Planning Coordination and Assistance, National Preparedness Directorate (NPD), FEMA. In this position he oversees the development of national planning doctrine, catastrophic preparedness planning initiatives and tailored technical assistance programs to support prevention, protection, response, and recovery missions. Mr. Lumpkins responsibilities include supporting state, local, tribal, and territory planning activities, establishing catastrophic priorities and programs, and managing and developing technical assistance programs to support a variety of preparedness initiatives. Mr. Lumpkins is the lead author/editor for Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101, which provides planning guidance for the development and maintenance of emergency operations plans.

Prior to joining the Federal government, Mr. Lumpkins served as Assistant Director for Domestic Preparedness at the Maryland Emergency Management Agency where he led the development and implementation of the State's consequence management policy for weapons of mass destruction and cyber-terrorism incidents. Mr. Lumpkins served as a liaison with law enforcement during the 9/11 terrorist attacks and has provided operational and ESF #5 leadership during a number of natural disasters and HAZMAT events, as well as the 2001 Anthrax attacks. As Assistant Director, Mr. Lumpkins also worked closely with the Maryland General Assembly to address homeland security and emergency management priorities, as well as supported and participated in media interviews and public outreach during major events and disasters.

Mr. Lumpkins earned his Bachelor of Science in International Affairs from the Georgia Institute of Technology and his Juris Doctor from the University of Baltimore in Baltimore, Maryland.