Technology Assistance and Development
University Outreach
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Tech / UVA Northern Virginia Center
7054 Haycock Road
Falls Church, VA 22043
TEL: (703) 538-8366
FAX: (703)538-8383
Architecture and Planning, Building Research, Research Management, Earthquake Hazard Mitigation, International Urban Development
Division of University Outreach
Director, Technology Assistance and Development, 1992 - Present
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Falls Church, Virginia
College of Architecture and Urban Studies
Associate Dean for Research and Public Service, 1983-1992
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Alexandria, Virginia
Engineering Directorate Program Director, 1977-1983
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C.
Department of Civil Engineering
Research Associate Seismic Design Decision Analysis, 1975-1977
Massachusetts Institute Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Study of Appropriate Building Technology for Rural Development in Ethiopia
Research Team Leader, 1974-1975
Swedish International Development Authority
Stockholm, Sweden
The Royal Institute of Technology, 1970-1974, Doctor of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden
Bartlett School of Architecture, 1970, Special Student
University College, London
University of California, 1969, First Year M. Arch
Berkeley, California
Yale University, 1964-1968, Bachelor of Arts
New Haven, Connecticut
Federal Emergency Management Agency Advisory Board (FAB), Member, 1991-1993
National Urban Search and Rescue Advisory Board (FEMA), Member, 1991-1996
Virginia Strategic Council, Member, 1990 - present Appointed by Lt. Governor Donald S. Beyer, Commonwealth of Virginia
Alexandria-Leninakan Exchange Committee, Co-Chairman, 1989 - present
Appointed by Alexandria Mayor James Moran
Alexandria Chamber of Commerce Subcomittee on Affordable Housing, Member, 1988-1990
Academic Advisory Council Construction Industry Institute, Austin, Texas, Member 1986 - 1989
Working Commission 89, Coordinator, 1986 - 1989
"Education and Building Research," International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation (CIB), Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC), President, 1984 - 1986
Building Research Board (BRB), Member, 1985 - 1991
National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., Executive Committee
Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), Member, 1978 - 1985
Editorial Board, Habitat International, Member, 1981 - 1991
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Member, 1977 - present
"ENR Newsmaker", Interview following the Philippine Earthquake, Engineering News Record, September, 1990
USGS Record Document, August, 1990
With Jones, Noji & Smith, EERI, "Earthquake Injury Epidemiology", Conference Document, August, 19
UNDRO News, "Search and Rescue", June, 1990
OutPosts, Outlook Section, Sunday Washington Post, "A Capitol Quake", 1990
APWA Newsletter, "Search and Rescue and Public Works", February, 1990
NCARB Conference Report, "Armenian Earthquake, Relevance for the U.S. Architectural Profession", Sept., 1989
"EERI Special Report on Armenia", Co-author: especially Chapter 10, 1989
"The Armenian Earthquake: Its Impact in America", CAM Magazine, Nov. 1989, vol. II, No. 2 (Reprinted from Certifier, published by National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, August, 1989
"Search and Rescue", chapter in Special Supplement to Earthquake Spectra, "Armenia Earthquake Reconnaissance Report", Loring A. Wyllie, Jr., and John R. Filson, Eds., August, 1989
With K. Shiono, "Model for Earthquake Casualty Estimation", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Earthquake Injury Epidemiology for Mitigation and Response, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, July 10-12, 1989
"Earthquake-Induced Building Collapse", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Earthquake Injury Epidemiology for Mitigation and Response, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, July 10-12, 1989
"The Armenian Earthquake: Its Impact in America", NCARB Annual Report
June 26-28, 1989, Boston, MA
"The Soviet Armenian Earthquake Disaster: Could a Similar Disaster Happen in the United States?", testimony at a hearing before the Subcommittee on Science, Space and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, March 15, 1989, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989
"Search and Rescue in Collapsed Reinforced Concrete Buildings", Proceedings of the Ninth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan, August 2 - 9, 1988
"Issues of Emergency Response for Urban Earthquake Disaster", Proceedngs of the 2nd U.S. - Japan Workshop on Urban Earthquake Hazards Reduction Tokai University, Shimizu City, Japan, July 27 - 29, 1988
"Seismic Safety and Urban Construction", Proceedings of Kagoshima International Conference on Volcanoes Kagoshima, Japan, July 17 - 24, 1988
"Search and Rescue Following Earthquake Disaster", Proceedings of International Symposium on Earthquake Countermeasures, Beijing, China, May 10 - 13, 1988
"Lessons Learned in Search and Rescue", Proceedings: Mexico City Two Years after the 1985 Earthquake: Lessons Learned from the Disaster and its Aftermath, National Center for Earthquake Emergency Research, State University of New York at Buffalo (Pending)
"Search and Rescue in Collapsed Buildings", Proceedings: U.S. Mexico Workshop in 1985 Mexico Earthquake Research, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Publication No. 87 - B, April 1987
"Collapsed Buildings: Search and Rescue Challenges", Emergency Medical Services News, Baltimore, Spring, 1986
"Mitigation of Natural Hazards", Maryland Emergency Medical Services News, Baltimore, Spring, 1986
Editor, Proceedings of the International Conference on Disaster Mitigation Program Implementation, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, November 1984, Center for International Development Planning and Building, College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1986
"Methods for the Assessment of Vulnerability on Urban and Regional Scale", Proceedings of the International Seminar: Vulnerabilita al Terremotie e Metodi per la Riduzione del Rischio Sismico, Noto, Italy, 27-30 September, 1984
The Role of the National Science Foundation in Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Research, Proceedings of Workshop on The Seismic Up-grading of Existing Buildings, Berkeley, California, September 9-10, 1982, University of California, Berkeley, 1983
Architectural and Planning Research for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation in the United States, Proceedings of the P.R.C. - U.S.A. Joint Workshop on Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Through Architecture, Urban Planning and Engineering, November 2 - 7, Beijing, China, 1981, State Capital Construction Commission, Beijing, 1982
"Building Vulnerability: Synopsis", Urban Scale Vulnerability, Proceedings of the U.S. - Italy Colloquium on Urban Design and Earthquake Hazard Mitigation, Rome, Italy, October, 1981, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1982
With Whitman, Robert V., Heger, Frank J., and Luft, Rene W., Evaluation of Seismic Resistance of Existing Buildings American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE Proceedings, 1978
Seismic Design Decisions for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Building Code, Report #32, Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June, 1977
Swedish Aid to Post Disaster Reconstruction, Case Studies from Peru, Turkey and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Swedish Council for Building Research, Stockholm, 1975 (Editor).
Pre-Disaster Planning, the Role of International Aid for Pre-disaster Planning in Developing Countries, Department of Architecture, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1974.
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