January 7, 1998 Special Presentation
by Robert Scott

GIS In Emergency Management
Crisis Response into Intelligent Planning


Transcript (Unedited text file)
Transcript (Microsoft Word File, edited for readability)
Slides: 1, 2, 3, 4

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About Robert Scott


EIIP Virtual Library Online Presentation
January 7, 1998 - 12:00 Noon (EST)

GIS in Emergency Management:
Crisis Response into Intelligent Planning

Author - Robert Scott, Intergraph Federal Public Safety

Moderator - Amy Sebring
Gatekeeper - Kevin Farrell

The EIIP Virtual Library hosted Robert Scott, Intergraph Federal Public Safety, as he presented his paper, "GIS in Emergency Management: Crisis Response into Intelligent Planning". Bob's paper focused on the use of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) in emergency management, and particularly within the setting of a dispatch center. The Virtual Library presentation was illustrated with slides and graphics that were accessible to the audience as Bob delivered his paper. Amy Sebring assisted Bob with the visual part of the session and served as Moderator for the Virtual Library.

The audience for the Bob Scott's presentation totaled thirty; the delivery of the paper took approximately forty-five minutes. The remainder of the hour was devoted to a moderated question and answer session. Questions and comments continued in the "Brown Bag" discussion immediately following where the dialogue was one-on-one with Bob and other audience members. Everyone was especially complimentary of Bob's presentation; the pace and tone of delivery were excellent and the visuals added much to the information conveyed.

Lessons Learned:
Our presenter was diligent in preparing for the delivery of his paper to ensure the conversational tone. This included phone calls, a conference call, rehearsals in the Virtual Library, and production of visuals and background information. We commend Bob Scott for his time and professionalism; this is vital to a successful presentation by anyone in the Forum, whether an individual presenter or member of a panel.

We were successful in adhering to the start and closing times of the session. It was most noticeable in this online session that the majority of the audience was in place several minutes prior to the opening of the presentation. Publicity for this session and the remaining Wednesday events in January was quite heavy and far reaching. We believe our promotion efforts directed to the Training Officers in each state are paying off in audience increases. Audience participants were from all over the country with one attendee, Rudy Dovale, from St. Maarten in the Caribbean.

Technically, there were several people who experienced more connection problems than usual during the Library event and follow up dialogue. We have not been able to determine a specific reason for the problems.


Executive Manager Marketing, Federal Public Safety
Intergraph Corporation

Mr. Scott is currently the Executive Manager, Marketing for Intergraph's Federal Public Safety group. The group is responsible for providing public safety and security management solutions to the US Federal Government. Prior to his return to Intergraph in July 1997, Mr. Scott held the position of Vice President of Marketing and Sales for AVL Information Systems, Inc. for 2 1/2 years. In this position he was responsible for developing the sales and marketing programs for a small company dedicated to providing vehicle tracking and monitoring systems. Mr. Scott spent 10 years with Intergraph prior to AVLIS in various capacities. His last positon was as Executive Manager of Marketing of the Dispatch Management Systems Division. Mr. Scott was instrumental in the creation of this division and Intergraph's entry into the public safety market.

He is a registered civil engineer, has a BSCE from Lehigh University and has done graduate study in geodetic engineering. Mr. Scott has experience in GIS, digital scanning and map production, civil engineering and utility distribution systems.

Robert H. Scott, III
Executive Manager, Marketing
Intergraph Federal Public Safety
Huntsville, Alabama 35894
(v) 205.730.7840
(f) 205.730.7200

[email protected]

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