November 18, 1998 Special Presentation

by Merrily Powell

Regional Sales Manager
Essential Technologies, Inc.

Security in the World of Crisis Management


Online Transcript
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About Merrily Powell
November 17 Press Release
Essential Technologies Security Page


EIIP Tech Arena Online Presentation
Wednesday - November 18, 1998 - 12:00 Noon EST

"Security in the World of Crisis Management"

Merrily Powell
Regional Sales Manager
Essential Technologies, Inc.

EIIP Tech Arena Moderator: Amy Sebring

The EIIP Technology Arena hosted a special event on November 18, 1998. The topic was "Security in the World of Crisis Management," software tools for analysis and response from Essential Technologies, Inc. Merrily Powell, ETI Regional Sales Manager, was the guest speaker.

Merrily gave an overview of three security software products using PowerPoint slides. The press release for the three products was part of the background materials on the EIIP Virtual Forum homepage. The speaker discussed and demonstrated Essential Security SuperTab, NBC Warning! and BLAST! These three new software products work in combination with EIS/GEM InfoBook to help organizations train, exercise, and respond more quickly should it become the target for an act of terrorism. Merrily announced the release of a 4th security product, Essential Security InfoBook, in early 1999.


Regional Sales Manager
Essential Technologies, Inc.

Merrily Powell is the Regional Sales Manager for Essential Technologies, Inc., in business since 1975. She is responsible for selling their crisis management and security software products to federal, state and local government as well as the military. Merrily works closely with customers and prospects to ensure that Essential's software products meet their needs.

Essential is the leader in crisis management and security software with more than 8000 licenses throughout the United States and 30 countries. Essential's software is also translated into 6 languages.

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RELEASE DATE: November 17, 1998
CONTACT: K.C. Chartrand
(301) 284-3146 or FAX (301) 284-3001
[email protected]

Terrorism… Bombings… Chem/Bio… Violent Protestors… Disgruntled Employees… Executive Kidnapping...

New Essential Software Helps Government, Military and Business/Industry Manage Growing Threats to Security

Rockville, MD - America is under attack. Virtually every public and private organization faces a growing array of potential security risks and is searching for better ways to manage them successfully. They need specialized tools that will keep them in constant, total command of the information required to plan for and respond to any and all potential security breaches.

Today, Essential Technologies, Inc. - the world's leading provider of comprehensive crisis management software - unveiled a new line of systems for security information management. The release of three new products, and development of a fourth, promise to dramatically enhance any organization's ability to cope with security-related challenges.

Built on Essential's EIS/GEM InfoBookTM platform, a proven standard of excellence for crisis and security management software among corporations, government agencies, and the military, these products are designed to be the information backbone of an organization's security management operations. They fully support both daily security activities as well as real-time incident response operations.

These three new software solutions work in combination with EIS/GEM to help an organization train, exercise, and respond more quickly should it become the target for an act of terrorism…

  • EIS/GEM Security SuperTab is an important supplement to EIS/GEM InfoBook that addresses domestic terrorism, weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and workplace violence. It is designed to provide precisely the information an organization needs for effective vulnerability assessments and SOPs, as well as step-by-step response guides for all types of security breaches including… bomb threats, kidnapping and hostage-taking, civil disturbances, workplace violence, and movement/security of critical individuals.

  • NBC Warning!TM is state-of-the-art plotting and reporting software that accurately predicts the impact of NBC agents such as Sarin, Lewisite, Tabun, Chloride - Anthrax, Ebola, Q fever, Ricin - and more. Organizations will use this powerful tool to clearly assess their vulnerability to a WMD incident in terms of specific agents, weather conditions, location of incident, and more.

  • Blast!TM is an explosion modeling program that provides security professionals with the ability to quickly assess the organization's vulnerability to bombings by calculating how an explosion would impact people and property in a certain building or area. This is key data for conducting a consequence assessment for such incidents. BLAST! is the first and only software created for individuals without engineering expertise who need to assess vulnerability to explosive devices. Fast, easy and affordable to use, BLAST! provides the basis for altering approaches and facility layouts as needed to more effectively protect life and property from terrorists. BLAST! output is displayed on either EIS/GEM or desktop GIS maps.

In addition to these three systems, which are already available and shipping, Essential Technologies has also begun the development of the next generation security solution - Essential Security InfoBookTM. It will incorporate all of the elements of the products released today, plus additional functionality geared to turning the burden of security management, planning and response into an opportunity for better protection of workers, employees and citizens alike. Essential Security InfoBook is scheduled for release in early 1999.

For further information, please call 1-800-999-5009.

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