January 13, 1999 Panel DiscussionDraft NFPA 1600 |
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Lloyd Bokman
Robert Fletcher
Patricia Moore
Amy Sebring
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NFPA 1600 Summary Information
NFPA Codes & Standards Info
NFPA Online Comment Submission
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Technical Committee Members
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SUMMARYEIIP Virtual Forum Panel Discussion Draft NFPA 1600 Standard Featured Panelists Lloyd Bokman Bob Fletcher Ms. Pat Moore
· Lloyd Bokman, Technical Committee Chair, Ohio Emergency Management Agency The focus of the session was the standard-making process, status of the process, and how interested parties can get involved and participate. Lloyd Bokman gave an overview while Bob Fletcher and Pat Moore shared their perspectives from the public and the private sectors. As explained by Bokman, The history of the document goes back to 1991 when the Standards Council of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) received a request for a standard on disaster management. The NFPA, formed in 1896, is made up of over 60,000 members worldwide; 24% are fire service affiliated and 76% come from the various sectors of business, industry, and government. A committee was formed of emergency management professionals from the various sectors to begin the work of developing a standard. The committee issued the document as a recommended practice rather than a standard in 1995. The document went into a revision cycle; this is the final year of that cycle and revisions have upgraded it to a standard. As part of that revision cycle, the present draft document will be available from the NFPA after January 22 and till April 2 for public comment. To receive a hard copy you can contact Martha Curtis, Staff Liaison, at <[email protected]> or 617-984-7496. Download the document from the NFPA web site under the proposals and comments section at http://www.nfpa.org the last week of January. Point was stressed that this has been a voluntary consensus effort and continues to be. The public comment period is an example that the NFPA process seeks to be democratic and inclusive. Bob Fletcher reported that FEMA, NEMA and IAEM are working closely with the NFPA and other member organizations of the Technical Committee to develop the first joint standard for emergency management endorsed by the above organizations. The move to adopt common program elements with the widely accepted Capability Assessment for Readiness (CAR) used by NEMA and FEMA in 1998 to assess national readiness at the State level moved the NFPA 1600 ahead markedly towards serving all organizations. Pat Moore stated the private sector can certainly benefit from this document with regard to expanding their own emergency response plans. Both the public and private sectors realize it is important to look beyond emergency management and disaster response to 'continuity of operations.' Moore also suggested it may be time to look at coordinating an 'industry' accreditation or certification. The Q&A session was lively from the Virtual Forum's largest audience to date --- 60 participants from the US and Canada logged in for the panel discussion of the NFPA 1600 Draft Disaster / Emergency Management Standard. |
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Draft OUTLINE Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1* Scope. This standard establishes a common set of criteria for disaster and emergency management programs in both the public and private sectors. 1-2 Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to provide those with the responsibility for emergency management the criteria to assess current programs or to develop, implement and maintain a program to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters and emergencies. Chapter 2 Program Management 2-1* Policy. 2-2* Disaster/Emergency Management Program Coordinator. 2-3* Disaster/Emergency Management Program Committee. 2-4 Program Assessment. Chapter 3 Program Elements 3-1* General. The disaster/emergency management program shall include the following elements, the scope of which shall be determined by the hazards affecting the entity. These elements shall be applicable to the phases of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. 3-2 Laws and Authorities. 3-3* Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. 3-4 Hazard Management. 3-5* Resource Management. 3-6 Planning. ......3-6.2* Plans. ......3-6.3 Common Plan Elements. 3-7 Direction, Control, and Coordination. 3-8 Communications and Warning. 3-9* Operations and Procedures. 3-10 Logistics and Facilities. 3-11 Training. 3-12 Exercises, Evaluations and Corrective Actions. 3-13 Public Education and Information. 3-14* Finance and Administration. Appendix A Explanatory Material * * * * |
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LLOYD W. BOKMANChairman Lloyd is the U.S. Dept. of Energy Liaison/Hazardous Materials Planner with the Ohio Emergency Management Agency. Mr. Bokman previously worked as a radiological emergency response planner. He received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from the University of Akron. He has previous experience as a Captain and EMT in the fire service. * * * * |
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ROBERT P. FLETCHERSenior Policy Advisor Mr. Fletcher is currently serving as Senior Policy Advisor for FEMA's Office of Policy and Regional Operations. He previously served as the Director, State and Local Preparedness Division in the Preparedness, Training and Exercise Directorate of FEMA Headquarters since December of 1993. He represents FEMA on the NFPA 1600 Technical Committee for development of Emergency Management Standards and managed the completion of the first Capability Assessment for Readiness (CAR)Report to Congress for the United States. The CAR is a comprehensive emergency management program self-assessment jointly developed by FEMA and the National Emergency Management Association for use in all states and territories. In his prior assignment as Chief of the Federal Response Division he managed the final development and publication of the Federal Response Plan signed by 28 Federal Departments and Agencies as the operational concept for Federal response under the Robert T. Stafford Act. Bob managed the emergency management program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters prior to his coming to FEMA in 1990. His disaster experience began with Hurricane Camille in 1969 and since that time he has had involvement with a wide range of emergency management policy development and operations in the field and in headquarters. He holds a Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering from Virginia Military Institute and a * * * * |
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PATRICIA A. MOOREVice President, Business Continuity Education Pat Moore, a Certified Business Continuity Professional (CBCP) and a Fellow of the Business Pat is known internationally for her real world experience and expertise in the disaster recovery In addition to speaking and being a published author on these subjects, Pat is also active in * * * * |
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