June 9, 1999 Hazard Series Presentation

by Carole Macko

Head, Communications Team
Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office(CEPPO)
Environmental Protection Agency

Risk Management Plans
Beyond June 21


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About Carole Macko

National Safety Council's Crossroads Site with RMP Backgrounders
CEPPO Home Page

RMP*Info Overview
RMP*Info Query
RMP*Info Totals


EIIP Classroom Online Presentation
Wednesday - June 9, 1999 - 12:00 Noon EDT

Risk Management Plans: Beyond June 21

Carole Macko
Head, Communications Team
Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (CEPPO)
Environmental Protection Agency

The EIIP Virtual Classroom featured guest speaker, Carole Macko, Head of the Communications Team for the Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (CEPPO) of the Environmental Protection Agency, addressed the upcoming June 21 deadline for companies subject to Risk Management Planning (RMP) rules. The RMP requires companies that use any of 140 toxic and flammable substances to submit an accident prevention/crisis management plan that describes what they are doing to prevent a catastrophic accident from happening. The type and quantity of chemicals that are used determines if a company must report ---not the size of the company. Chemical and petrochemical manufacturers, cold storage facilities, drinking water and wastewater treatment plants, and chemical warehouses are covered under this law. Chemicals covered by this regulation include ammonia and chlorine that many small businesses commonly store and use.

Information in the RMP complements data already available at the State and local levels under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act and under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The Virtual Classroom presentation focused on what happens to the data after the June 21 deadline. Elements of the reporting requirements, other than offsite consequence analyses (OCA), will be made available to the public via Internet. Legislation is currently pending regarding release of OCA, however, LEPC representatives may be given access to this information. A court-ordered stay is in effect with respect to reporting requirements for propane, and legislation exempting all flammables has been introduced.


Head, Communications Team
Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office(CEPPO)
Environmental Protection Agency

Carole Macko heads the Communications Team in EPA's Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office. CEPPO provides leadership and assistance to prevent and prepare for chemical emergencies; respond to environmental crises; and inform the public about chemical hazards in their community.

Prior to joining EPA in 1997, Ms. Macko worked as a journalist at the Bureau of National Affairs for 14 years where she covered a wide-range of environmental issues including community right-to-know, air and water pollution, and chemical accident prevention. She has appeared on numerous television and radio shows to talk about how to work with the media during a chemical emergency and other risk communication issues. Ms. Macko also served on the RMP Implementation Work group set up under the Chemical Accident Prevention Subcommittee.

Ms. Macko has served on several blue-ribbon panels at the Brookings Institute and Resources for the Future to determine how to ensure that the public receives the information they need to know about chemicals in their communities. This year, she was awarded a Distinguished Silver Medal award by EPA Administrator Carol Browner for her work with the Risk Management Program.

She is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and has completed post-graduate work at American University in public affairs and journalism.

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