Edited Version November 17, 1999
EIIP Classroom Online Presentation

"Florida Public Affairs Center:
Florida State University"

Janet Dilling
Florida Public Affairs Center
Florida State University

Avagene Moore
Moderator, EIIP Coordinator

The original unedited transcript of the November 17, 1999 online Virtual Classroom presentation is available on the EIIP Virtual Forum (http://www.emforum.org). The following version of the transcript has been edited for easier reading and comprehension. Typos were corrected, date/time/names attributed by the software to each were deleted but content of discussions, questions, and responses are as stated by each participant. Answers from the presenter to questions by the audience are grouped beneath the appropriate question to facilitate meaning.


Avagene Moore: Welcome to the EIIP Virtual Forum! Today we are in the Virtual Classroom and have a guest speaker whom we will introduce shortly.

But first --- if this is your first time in our Virtual Forum audience, we ask you to note that any URLs used in our discussions become live links. For example, the background page for this session is posted at <http://www.emforum.org/vclass/991117.htm>.

If you click on the blue link, the page will come up in your browser window. Upon clicking on the first link, you may lose your chat screen. Go to the bottom of your screen and click on the EIIP button and the screen will reappear.

The order of our session today will be introduction of our guest speaker, her formal remarks, and a period of Q&A. When we are ready for the Q&A portion of our dialogue, I will review the procedures by which we keep order in the Virtual Forum.


It is a pleasure to welcome back today's speaker. She has been online with us several times and must be commended for her active support, participation and assistance in EIIP efforts. Janet Dilling is currently the Director of the Florida Public Affairs Center at Florida State University. She is also President of TEAM Simulations, Inc, an international firm providing change response simulations, business leadership programs and learning events, and crisis management training and exercises to the public and private sectors.

Janet has over 15 years experience in crisis management in the military, local and state government, and the private sector.

Past-President of the American Society of Professional Emergency Planners (ASPEP), Janet is active in several other national and state emergency management professional organizations with a record of service on many committees. For example, Janet now chairs the International Development Committee for the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM.)

Janet holds a Bachelor's Degree from Salem College, North Carolina, and a Master's Degree in Public Administration from the University of Idaho. She is currently working toward her Ph.D. at FSU. Janet holds the rank of Major in the US Army Reserve.

As you can see, Janet is an extremely busy person in the emergency management field. In fact, she returned from the 47th Annual IAEM Conference late last night. We are most appreciative that she is willing to be with us today.

Janet will tell us about her work at Florida Public Affairs Center, the emergency management certificate program at FSU, and their future plans for distance learning. Please help me welcome our speaker --- Janet Dilling.


Janet Dilling: Welcome everyone. I did not expect that intro. We at FPAC are proud to be a partner of the EIIP. Avagene has asked me to tell you a little about our Center and some of the things we do.

We are a center of Florida State University. Our purpose is to serve state, local, and national governments through applied research, training, and technical assistance. Our specialty areas are training and curriculum development, emergency management (we have three professional emergency managers on board), information systems, and policy analysis. Although we do work outside of emergency management, today I will concentrate on some examples of the things we have worked on or are working on that are in the field of emergency management that you might be interested in.

Examples include:

• Developed a series of tabletop exercises for the City of Jacksonville to help with their interagency coordination in a disaster;

• A course for the state Division of Emergency Management to train their Rapid Impact Assessment Team (RIAT); and a

• Hurricane Shelter Evacuation (HSE) Training Course written for engineers to provide guidance in structurally sound construction and retrofit evaluations for Florida's shelters.

• Provided staff direction for a Governor's appointed Commission to provide recommendations as a result of the terrible wildfires Florida experienced in 1998.

• Provided Strategic Management training to the International Association of Emergency Managers during their last two annual conferences.

But one of the coolest things we have done in emergency management, I think, is the Resource Identification Strategy. - a web based database that provides searchable information on funding programs for local and state emergency managers. As well as POCs, application procedures, forms, etc. And examples of actual projects done using the funding. This is particularly helpful for identifying recovery and mitigation funding. Why don't you take a few minutes and play around on the RIS. Avagene, will you put it up for them?


Avagene Moore: We will give you a few moments to look at this Web page, or you can bookmark it and go back later if you like.

Janet Dilling: Try hitting "Programs" and then hit "Search". It should bring 300 plus programs up for you to choose from. Go to Projects and type "Lift Station" into project line. You will see lift station projects that have been funded by different programs. Although we did this project for Florida, it encompasses sample information from most of the states and has been used by other emergency managers all over the country.

Any questions before I move on to a few projects that we have in the works now that I think you might be interested in?

Avagene Moore: Please input a ? if you have a question of Janet at this point.


Amy Sebring: Are you keeping this resource database updated, Janet?

Janet Dilling: We are in the process of awaiting a contract to update it with more current information.


Shawn Redfern: At some point, either now or later, I would like to hear more about the tabletop simulation that you designed.

Janet Dilling: Shawn, regarding the tabletops. We ran a series of them for groups of ESFs within the EOC structure, involving different hazards. We used simulated weather reports, newsbreaks etc. to facilitate the exchange and discussion. Did that answer your question?

Shawn Redfern: Yes.

Janet Dilling: We are presently working on an exciting project that will establish data collection procedures/forms for identifying the actual and projected economic injury to an area post disaster. After we identify the critical information needs, design the web based data collection forms, and collect the information we will provide it to the University of Florida (we do talk outside the football field). And they will run the information through a computer model to project short and long term economic injury. This should provide much better data to justify supplemental and program funding.

We are also working on a project to improve Fannie Mae retrofit loan approvals and web based training/education designed to help contractors and consumers understand the benefits of post disaster mitigation and how to fund it.


Peter Picanso: Sorry to sound like the new kid on the block, but ESF doesn't compute this early in the morning. What's an ESF?

Janet Dilling: Sorry about that Peter, my fault. ESF stands for Emergency Support Functions. FEMA and some of the states, and some counties use them as part of their Emergency Operations Plan to identify specific functions in a disaster; e.g., ESF 1 - transportation.

I might mention, as an additional duty, I also serve as an Adjunct Instructor for the Askew School of Public Administration and Policy's emergency management courses and direct the Emergency Management Certificate here. It is residence based at present but we are offering off site offerings of the program and are looking at providing it as a distance learning alternative in the near future. Any questions on anything? That is it for the formal part of my program.

Avagene Moore: Thank you, Janet. Excellent information on some very innovative projects! May I remind everyone about our procedures for Q&A. If you have a question or comment for Janet, please input a question mark (?) to the chat screen. Compose your question or remarks, but hold it until you are recognized by name --- then hit Send or Enter. Questions and comments will be taken in order they are received on the screen. First question of Janet, please.


Peter Picanso: I'm interested in your plans for distance learning programs.

Janet Dilling: Peter. We have a certificate program that consists of 5 courses (15 semester hours) - we are planning within the next year to start offering them via the web.


Cam King: Is it possible to get samples of your table top exercises?

Janet Dilling: Cam, Email me at <[email protected]> and we will see how we can help you.


Rick Tobin: The site is great. If you can keep this updated, it will be a tremendous aid for the field. You mentioned the course for engineers for choosing/evaluating shelters. Is that available anywhere online, and is it in coordination with the ARC standards?

Janet Dilling: You can probably get the Shelter Evaluation course from the Florida Division of Emergency Management, Rick. I think it is a pretty good course. Make sure you get the software copy --- lots of animations. Yes, it is coordinated with the ARC - ARC 4496? I think, I might have that wrong.


Shawn Redfern: Actually a comment. Janet, could I please contact you for more info on your tabletop game?

Janet Dilling: Sure Shawn. See my email address above.


Amy Sebring: Janet, I think strategic planning is something that we need to see taught widely. Is this one of your certificate courses, and do you think it will go up on the Web?

Or as one of your distance learning courses, I mean.

Janet Dilling: Amy, I have thought about doing that. Would if we thought there was enough interest. We have a series of 7 modules that we offer as training courses.


Amy Sebring: How many here would be interested?

Amy Sebring: <-- Me!

Avagene Moore: I would be.

Carl Sexton: Carl, yes.

Peter Picanso: I would.

Rick Wood: I'd be interested

Linda Underwood CERT LA: Me, too.

Cam King: I would be interested in looking at the material - not sure about taking the course right now

Janet Dilling: Well, perhaps we have started something.

Amy Sebring: If David Crews were here, I know he would be. He is ALWAYS talking about the need!


Mike Krumlauf: I got here late so if this was already covered forgive me in advance. About 18 months ago I took a FEMA class to choose/evaluate structures (i.e. shelters, EOCs, 911 centers, main government centers). Is this course like that one only directed towards shelters? My boss says I can be interested in anything that does not cost her money.

Janet Dilling: This is a different course - engineer slant - offers CEUs for engineers - not that familiar with one you are talking about. Recommend you call Florida Division of Emergency Management (Danny Kilcollins) if you are interested in it.


Peter Picanso: I'm interested in your certificate program (distance learning). How can I find out more about what's offered and what the requirements are for a certificate?

Janet Dilling: Peter, if you email me at <[email protected]>. I will send you a brochure of our program.


Amy Sebring: Was going to say hope their Website will be updated soon?

Janet Dilling: Amy is referring to our FPAC Website which is boring (university stuff) but I hope to make it more exciting.


Amy Sebring: Janet, I am very interested in this latest economic vulnerability project you are working on. Is EDA (Economic Development Agency) involved with that? Will University of Florida run the data you collect through various scenarios?

Janet Dilling: Amy, EDA is one of the agencies we are coordinating with. As I mentioned, UF will run data through a model (not based on scenarios) - it is a forecast model to look at long-term economic injury.


Amy Sebring: Due to what?

Janet Dilling: Due to disaster. The background of this project came from the wildfires.

EDA had Price Waterhouse do a study to determine economic injury. They came back with the finding that there was no economic injury. The study was conducted well, but it was thought by DEM and others that the indicators had not been the correct one. We are trying to determine which variables in what sectors (i.e., agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, etc.) are needed to be evaluated.

Amy Sebring: I see, thank you, but it looks like there is potential there for broader application in future, perhaps.


Rick Tobin: Regarding the strategic management course--one of my concerns is that no matter how much strategic planning is done (like an annual work plan) our jobs are often driven by "whim management" by those over us who have no idea what we do for a living. Does the course address managing up?

Janet Dilling: The Strategic Management curriculum covers all aspects of the process, including planning, commitment, strategic direction, and goals. Implementing the plan and evaluating the results of the plan, a whole-team process. Did that answer your question, Rick? Not sure I understood it completely.


Avagene Moore: Janet, I want to look at the RIS page in-depth. What type of reaction are you getting to this? Is it fairly new? Publicized, etc?

Janet Dilling: The reaction on RIS has been very positive. It has had a lot of hits. It has been up a couple of years, starting from the beta version. I have had calls from all over the country telling me they were using it after a disaster. It is designed however to be used as a mitigation tool before disaster. Also has response and preparedness funding sources in it.


Ron Gloshen: I am also interested in the strategic management course. Is there a text book that is being used or is available? Sometimes we may not be able to take the course but would be very interested in reading more on the subject.

Janet Dilling: Ron, we have participant workbooks for the course. But I could refer you to a couple of text/books on the subject, if you email me.

Ron Gloshen: Thanks. I will.


Walt Ireland: What about disaster communications? Telecommunications pre and during a disaster? It appears that your interests are in post-disaster!? Also, I would be interested in a strategic management course.

Janet Dilling: We have not done anything yet on telecommunications, Walt, other than cover them in exercises, but we are available.


Peter Picanso: At what level is this taught, undergrad or graduate?

Janet Dilling: Peter, if you are talking about strategic management --- it is continuing education. If you are talking about Emergency Management curriculum --- it is both undergrad and graduate.


Amy Sebring: Janet, you sound very busy with current projects, but do you have any long range goals, dreams for the center?

Janet Dilling: Amy, you know me. Yes we would like to continue to push the envelope in emergency management practices, but also would like to be involved in more EM related research.

Final Question:

Avagene Moore: Any last comment, Janet, before I ask Amy to give us next week's events plus an update on the EIIP Pledge Drive?

Janet Dilling: Just pledge. The EIIP is important.


Avagene Moore: Our time is up for today's Virtual Classroom. It has been a pleasure to have everyone here today. Audience, we thank you for your kind attention and participation.

Janet Dilling: I thank everyone as well.

Carl Sexton: Thanks Janet, Avagene, Amy.

Avagene Moore: Janet, we are very thankful that you returned to the Virtual Forum once again to do a presentation for us. For the benefit of our audience, Janet is the Point of Contact for both the FSU Florida Public Affairs Center and TEAM Simulations, Inc. -- both are formal Partners in the EIIP. Amy, what's coming up next week? Pledge Drive status please?

Amy Sebring: Thanks, Avagene.

Upcoming Events

• Next week our Round Table will feature a new partner, Greater Philadelphia Search and Rescue with Steven Labov. See <http://www.gpsar.org/>. A very cool site.

• Next Wednesday, I will follow up the session we did yesterday on Internet conferencing with a presentation on TeamWave Workplace. We will also follow the session with an actual demo. And if you would like to participate, go to <http://www.teamwave.com> and download the 4.3 client beta and install. Please note, if you are behind a firewall, you will most likely not be able to access the server. Check with your system administrator to see if you can access Port 6577.

Pledge Drive

We have one new pledge since yesterday from Ed Dietrich for a total of 95! If you have not pledged to join us for one or more sessions each month, please see <http://www.emforum.org/eiip/pledge.htm>. That's it, Avagene.

Avagene Moore: Thanks, Amy. Hope everyone had a chance to speak. You are welcome to stay and chat for a few minutes if you like and to express your appreciation to Janet. However, the EIIP Virtual Classroom is officially adjourned for Wednesday, November 17.