Amy Sebring: Welcome to the EIIP Tech Arena! Amy Sebring: For the benefit of any first-timers, if you see a blue web address, you can click on it and the referenced Web page should appear in a browser window. Amy Sebring: After the first one, the browser window may not automatically come to the top, so you may need to bring it forward by clicking on a button at the status bar at the bottom of your screen. Then you will need to bring your chat window back to the top in the same way. Amy Sebring: We will start with a presentation, and then follow with a Q&A session for your questions and comments. Right before we begin the Q&A portion we will review the procedure. Amy Sebring: Please do NOT send direct messages to the speaker or moderator as it makes it difficult for us to follow the discussion. Amy Sebring: Background information for today's session may be found at ... Amy Sebring: Our topic today is "TranSafe: Internet Service for Transportation Emergency Response," and we are pleased to have Joe Roberts with us today to give us an overview of this new Web-based application. Amy Sebring: Joe is the Web Development Engineer for TranSafe at GeoSphere Systems. He has previously worked as a web programmer for Nextel of Texas and as Technical Editor for the Encyclopedia of Louisville, Kentucky. Amy Sebring: Welcome Joe, and thank you for taking the time to be with us today. Joe Roberts: Thank you Amy. Thank you all for coming. TranSafeŠ is an Internet tool designed to aid in mobile incidents that involve chemical spills. Joe Roberts: It combines a powerful mapping engine, accurate location data, and Department of Transportation recommendations. TranSafeŠ also provides users with supplemental information like weather, MSDS information and a services lookup. Joe Roberts: TranSafeŠ offers some advantages over traditional stand-alone software. Because it is web-based, users of TranSafeŠ need only to be familiar with a standard web browser thus eliminating the need for costly training. Joe Roberts: Users can also return the same results regardless of their location. All they need is access to the Web and their regular login name. Joe Roberts: At the beginning of a TranSafeŠ session users are asked to input three categories of critical information. First, the location of the incident or its approximate street address. Joe Roberts: Second, the chemical information and size of the spill. TranSafeŠ will accept up to five different chemicals per incident. And Third the mode of transportation. AMY, SLIDE ONE PLEASE. Amy Sebring: Joe Roberts: Once the critical information has been taken, TranSafeŠ will render a map of the area around the incident. It compares each chemical involved and draws a radius on the map that represents the official DOT Protection Action Distance (PAD) recommendation. AMY, SLIDE TWO PLEASE. Amy Sebring: Joe Roberts: TranSafeŠ also returns to the user all of the "sensitive receptor" information within that PAD. For example, if there are eleven schools within the PAD. TranSafeŠ allows the user to see where each of those schools is and provides accurate contact information (phone number, address, etc.). Joe Roberts: TranSafeŠ also has supplemental information like local fire departments, police stations, EMS stations and rescue squads. Joe Roberts: TranSafe'sŠ mapping engine incorporates all of the standard features of an Internet map. Users can zoom in, zoom out, pan, and get information on map features. Users can also get detailed driving directions to and from the incident site. AMY SLIDE THREE PLEASE. Amy Sebring: Joe Roberts: Chemical information on TranSafeŠ is provided directly from the 2000 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG). When users enter the chemicals involved, TranSafeŠ compares them to derive the appropriate PAD. Joe Roberts: Furthermore it allows user to see the actual corresponding guide page recommendation for each chemical. AMY SLIDE FOUR PLEASE. Amy Sebring: Joe Roberts: TranSafeŠ also gives user the weather information around the incident area, the ability to do MSDS searches, and search for services in the area of the incident. Joe Roberts: Currently, there is a pre-release version of TranSafeŠ that is available to the public. However, an official commercial release is due out in Mid-September, 2000. This version of TranSafeŠ incorporates a full-service website along with enhanced tools. Joe Roberts: Users will be able to purchase, update, and upgrade their accounts online and be able to form user groups where they can collaborate on incidents and share information. Joe Roberts: The new interface ensures that users get the information they most need quickly and efficiently. Incidents can be archived and chat features allow users to directly communicate with each other. AMY SLIDE FIVE PLEASE. Amy Sebring: Joe Roberts: Individual locations on the map that include address and phone number have grown to over 310,000 unique points. The chemical information has also been upgraded to include over 3,700 different chemicals. Users can select chemicals by number or name. AMY SLIDE SIX PLEASE. Amy Sebring: Joe Roberts: A separate services lookup is also available in TranSafeŠ. Users can now draw their own expandable/collapsible radius around the incident site to lookup different chemical related services that include: Joe Roberts: Tank Cleaners, Chemical Cleanup Services, CHEMTREC CHEMNET Contractors, Safety Equipment Providers, Home centers, and HazMat removal services. AMY SLIDE SEVEN PLEASE. Amy Sebring: Joe Roberts: Future releases of TranSafe will include an enhanced mapping engine that will support "drop a point" and Lat/Long location methods, access to "mine" data from the government. Users will also be able to use TranSafeŠ with web-enabled cell phones and handheld devices. Joe Roberts: In conclusion, you can see that TranSafeŠ could be used by a variety of individuals in a variety of situations. From first responders to company executives to insurance agents, TranSafeŠ provides anyone with a "window" into the incident scene. Joe Roberts: I would be happy to answer any questions or hear any comments you might have. With that I'll to turn it back to Amy. Amy Sebring: Thank you for that preview Jim, and we can get into some more detail during Q&A... Amy Sebring: Audience please enter a question mark (?) to indicate you wish to be recognized, go ahead and compose your comment or question, but wait for recognition before hitting the enter key or clicking on Send. Louise Comfort: ? Amy Sebring: We now invite your questions/comments. Amy Sebring: Louise please, when you are ready. Fred Baehl: ? Louise Comfort: Joe, does TranSafe have any capacity to do reasoning by the computer to assess the level of risk for the community? Joe Roberts: Not right now Louise, it takes each chemical. . . Joe Roberts: and provides the user with the DOT ERG guidebook. . . Joe Roberts: recommendation. It does not take into account. . . Joe Roberts: population density or other variables like that . . . Joe Roberts: It does give you the official recommendation. Amy Sebring: Fred next please. Fred Baehl: This sound really good, but does it work in Canada? Joe Roberts: Not in this release... Joe Roberts: The next generation mapping engine. . . Joe Roberts: (first of next year) will cover. . . Joe Roberts: the US (AK and HI) and Canada. Rick Tobin: ? Amy Sebring: Rick please. Roger Kershaw: ? Rick Tobin: What types of system compatibility concerns should a user be aware of? Joe Roberts: TranSafe currently supports . . . Joe Roberts: Netscape 4.0 and higher . . . Joe Roberts: and IE4 and higher. Amy Sebring: Roger please. Roger Kershaw: Does this mapping show topography, water courses, etc also. How current is the street location, contact telephone, names etc? Rick Tobin: ? Joe Roberts: Again, this mapping engine does not. . . Joe Roberts: support topo maps or hydrology. .. Joe Roberts: the next release should handle both. . . Joe Roberts: as for the location information. . . Joe Roberts: it is provided by a third party and is updated. . . Joe Roberts: quarterly. Amy Sebring: Rick please. Rick Tobin: What about multiple chemical hazards from the same site, how do the maps overlay or interact when there is a chemical synergy past the point of release? Joe Roberts: Right now, in multiple chemical incidents. . . Joe Roberts: TranSafe will collect each chemical's information. . . Joe Roberts: from the ERG guidebook. . . Joe Roberts: from that it will calculate the largest of the . . . Joe Roberts: recommended PADs and display. . . Joe Roberts: that on the map. . . Joe Roberts: as far as reactivity. . . Cam King: ? Joe Roberts: TranSafe does notify the user if it is reactive. . . Joe Roberts: with water or under heat. Amy Sebring: Cam please. Cam King: Could you outline the costs associated with accessing the programme? Joe Roberts: Yes. Right now there are three levels of subscription. . . Joe Roberts: the Bronze or base level of . . Joe Roberts: sub. is $500/year/user. . . Joe Roberts: The next, Silver is $750/year/customer. . . Joe Roberts: that includes a public chat forum. . . Joe Roberts: and a number of prepaid incident reports. . . Joe Roberts: The Gold package is $1000/year/user and. .. Joe Roberts: includes unlimited reporting and a private. . . Joe Roberts: Archive-able chat feature. Amy Sebring: Joe can you define "user" ... Joe Roberts: An individual that has paid for a subscription. . . Amy Sebring: for example if the EM, Fire Chief and Police Chief were subscribed .. Amy Sebring: that would be 3 users? Joe Roberts: Yes, and they can form their own "group". . . Joe Roberts: so that they could share an incident archive, contact information. . . Joe Roberts: etc. Amy Sebring: Joe, how do you envision this to be used for exercises? Joe Roberts: TranSafe is a good tool to start the organization. . . Joe Roberts: process of incident control. .. Joe Roberts: groups could run drills in which individuals. . . Joe Roberts: could gather critical information before .. . Joe Roberts: they send responders to the scene. . . Joe Roberts: they could see what sensitive locations are in the . . . Joe Roberts: area, provide accurate weather and driving directions. . . Joe Roberts: and give the responders a "heads up" on the chemicals involved. Amy Sebring: Did I understand correctly that there are some Incident Command System principles incorporated? Joe Roberts: Sure, if a person (that could be an executive. . . Joe Roberts: or a manager) were looking to steer his people. . . Joe Roberts: in the right direction concerning a particular incident. . . Joe Roberts: he could likely say to his group " I just input an incident. . . Joe Roberts: into TranSafe, go there to get the particulars and complete. . Joe Roberts: your assigned tasks" those group members. . Joe Roberts: could log in and run (from the archive) the most recent. . . Joe Roberts: incident to see the particulars. Avagene Moore: ? Amy Sebring: Avagene please. Avagene Moore: Have you beta tested TranSafe with a community or more than one? If so, what kind of feedback did you get? Rick Tobin: ? Joe Roberts: Not really "Beta" testing, just sort of feeling the waters. . . Joe Roberts: The real beta testing will start in a couple of day with the . . . Joe Roberts: first commercial version that is nearing completion. Amy Sebring: Rick please. Rick Tobin: What types of costs will a jurisdiction have to consider for installation and use TranSafe, including upgrades and annual user fees, if any? Joe Roberts: Because TranSafe is a . .. Joe Roberts: web-based technology some costs that a particular. . . Joe Roberts: site would incur would be minimal. . . Joe Roberts: Training for instance would be light so long. . . Joe Roberts: as users were familiar with the web. . . Joe Roberts: Other than that cost would be incurred in . . . Joe Roberts: adding features such as private chat or extra. . . Joe Roberts: reporting capabilities. Cam King: ? Amy Sebring: Cam please. Amy Sebring: ? Cam King: Joe could you put up your web address Joe Roberts: Amy you might have to help me on this one but the address. . . Joe Roberts: for the test site is . . Joe Roberts: you can actually open a trial account. . . Joe Roberts: to test the tool in its pre-release version. . . Joe Roberts: But keep in mind much. . . Joe Roberts: of the functionality has been cleaned up considerably Amy Sebring: (Also linked on today's background page.) Amy Sebring: To what extent can you accommodate User supplied data, such as plans, additional contact info, etc? Joe Roberts: The next release will implement a TranSafe. . . Joe Roberts: tools section that is specifically designed. . Joe Roberts: to accommodate user uploads. .. Joe Roberts: Because users are already in groups. . Joe Roberts: they would then have the ability to post (and have access to) Joe Roberts: documents. .. Joe Roberts: that were critical to their organization . . . Joe Roberts: like contact lists. . Joe Roberts: or procedure guides. Amy Sebring: ? Amy Sebring: Can this be interfaced somehow with existing mobile data terminal systems? Joe Roberts: Not with this release. Amy Sebring: In future? Joe Roberts: Yes it has been talked about but no specific plans have . . . Joe Roberts: been made to accommodate. . . Joe Roberts: we crave feedback in that regard. Amy Sebring: What kind of performance can you get on hand held mobile devices? Can the maps be seen? Joe Roberts: In the preliminary testing we have done. . . Joe Roberts: yes the maps can be seen in a static. . . Joe Roberts: state so long as the hand held device. . . Joe Roberts: can accommodate images. .. Joe Roberts: we have had most success with instant notification. . . Joe Roberts: systems whereupon the user can . . . Joe Roberts: be notified with a text message containing the incident. . . Joe Roberts: details on their web-enabled cell phone. Amy Sebring: Is that a feature that is initiated by one of the subscribed Users? Joe Roberts: Yes, for instance. . . Joe Roberts: a person in your group runs a new TranSafe demo. . . Joe Roberts: and you are notified of their input automatically by TranSafe. Amy Sebring: Joe are there any other features you would like to mention before we begin to wrap up? Joe Roberts: No that about does it. . . Joe Roberts: the consumer release should be available. . . Joe Roberts: around Sept. 17, 2000. Amy Sebring: Will you have a demo on the site of the released version later? Joe Roberts: Yes, the version that will be available next month. . . Joe Roberts: allows users to run a series of "pre-canned" scenarios. . . Joe Roberts: that return full TranSafe results. Amy Sebring: Thank you very much for being with us today Joe. We very much appreciate your time and effort. Please stand by a moment while we take care of some business. Amy Sebring: Today's session will be accessible via the Transcripts link on our home page on Monday, including links to the slides. The text version will be up later today. Joe Roberts: Thank you all. Amy Sebring: Avagene, can you tell us about next week please? Avagene Moore: Yes, Amy, thank you. And thank you, Joe, for a fine presentation today. Very informative. Avagene Moore: Next week, the EIIP Virtual Forum presents an overview of the Community & Family Preparedness Conference that is underway as we speak at EMI, Emmitsburg MD. Avagene Moore: Ralph Swisher, who heads up the CFP program for the FEMA Preparedness Directorate, will be our featured speaker. We hope David Larimer will be online with us as well; David works with Ralph at FEMA. Avagene Moore: As most of you are aware, we have worked with the CFP program for the past 2 years and feature a session each month that relates to the CFP program. Many of our audience participants are working in that area across the country. This is an important program that really impacts families and individual citizens in our respective communities. Avagene Moore: Make plans to be here -- the session will be a good one! Next Wednesday, August 30, 12:00 Noon EDT. That's all for now, Amy. Amy Sebring: Thanks to all our participants today. We will adjourn the session for now, but you are welcome to remain for open discussion. You no longer need to use question marks. Please help us express our appreciation to Joe for today's presentation.