Amy Sebring: On behalf of Avagene Moore and myself, welcome to the EIIP Virtual Forum! We are pleased to have this opportunity to bring you a session to mark the one year anniversary of the Department of Homeland Security. Amy Sebring: Our title is 'Improving Homeland Security: Continuing Challenges and Opportunities' and is based on recommendations put together by our guest one year ago. Amy Sebring: But first, for the benefit of any first-timers, we will go over the order of business. We will begin today's session with a presentation, and then we will proceed to your questions. Amy Sebring: We will provide further instructions just before we begin the Q&A section, but you may wish to jot down your questions or comments as we go along. Amy Sebring: Please do not send private messages to our speaker or the moderator, as we will be busy with the presentation. If you are a first-timer and need assistance, you may send a private message to Avagene. Amy Sebring: An edited transcript of today's session will be available by later this afternoon -- just check back on our home page or the background page (refresh the pages as needed). Amy Sebring: We will have a few slides today. When you see a blue URL, you can click on it and the slide will open in a new window. It may not come to the top automatically, so you may need to locate and bring it forward. Amy Sebring: Now, I have the pleasure of introducing today's speaker Dr. Paula D. Gordon, who brings particular expertise in leadership behavior and theory, governmental management, organizational theory and development,and policy analysis and implementation to this issue. Amy Sebring: She is a writer, analyst, strategist, and consultant. She also serves as a member of the Practitioner Faculty of the Johns Hopkins University and has taught a variety of courses at Johns Hopkins and at other universities on the East and West Coasts. Amy Sebring: While at FEMA during the 1980s, she developed issue and options papers in a wide range of issues areas, including the reorientation of national civil preparedness and nuclear attack preparedness efforts towards the "All Hazards" approach in use today. Amy Sebring: Further biographical information is available on our background page, as well as links to related material you may find useful. Amy Sebring: Welcome Paula -- we are delighted to have you with us. I now turn the floor over to you to start us off please. Paula Gordon: Thank so much to Amy Sebring, Avagene Moore, and the Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership for this opportunity to share some of my views concerning ways in which the nation's homeland security efforts might be improved. Paula Gordon: I have provided these recommendations along with some additional recommendations to a few individuals at the Department of Homeland Security and to the staff or members of several commissions. I will be sharing some of these with you today. Paula Gordon: What I have tried to focus on are some areas that seem to me to be receiving less that adequate attention. I touch on most all of these recommendations in the report on Improving Homeland Security and in other work that is posted on my website at . Paula Gordon: Please take a moment to look over the recommendations at, and then I will go over each of these in more detail. Paula Gordon: 1) Developing and implementing in-service education and training initiatives for those in major roles of responsibility for homeland security: Paula Gordon: In-service education and training initiatives are needed for those in roles of public and private sector responsibility. An essential element in all of these efforts needs to be on nurturing a common understanding of the problems, threats, and challenges that face the world post 9/11... Paula Gordon: and on enhancing skills and capabilities needed to work in collaborative ways to address these problems, threats, and challenges. In addition to promoting in-service education and training efforts, increased focus needs to be placed on... Paula Gordon: promoting and promulgating of homeland security curricula in academia, particularly in business schools and schools of public administration, public policy, public affairs, public health, computer technology, and engineering. Paula Gordon: 2) Recognizing and addressing organizational culture challenges: Paula Gordon: The implementation of in-service education and training initiatives could do much to address the organizational culture challenges confronting the Department of Homeland Security and those with whom they collaborate. Paula Gordon: A poster presentation on changing organizations that is posted on my website addresses these concerns. I have also written an article not as yet posted that is based on the ideas in that poster presentation. Paula Gordon: On request, I would be glad to e-mail anyone interested a copy of the article which is entitled "Transforming Organizations and Maintaining a Healthy Organizational Culture." Paula Gordon: 3) Greatly increasing critical infrastructure stability and reliability while also enhancing critical infrastructure protection and continuity efforts and stabilizing the economy: Paula Gordon: Programs, policies, approaches and strategies are needed that are designed to ensure the stability and reliability of critical infrastructure while also enhancing critical infrastructure protection and security. Paula Gordon: The general thrust of such efforts would be the restoration, rebuilding, preserving, protecting, and securing of the nation's critical infrastructure and critical assets. This would include the nation's critical physical infrastructure as well as emergency services and public health and medical services. Paula Gordon: A purpose in engaging in such efforts would be to enhance economic security and individual, community, and societal stability, while at the same time enhancing the security of the nation in general. Paula Gordon: Such multi-purpose actions are needed to minimize cascading impacts that future events could have. If the public sector does not assume the lead role, or assume a role as facilitator of public and private sector efforts, it is imperative that the private sector assume the leadership role. Paula Gordon: 4) Launching a comprehensive strategy focusing on cybersecurity, the internet, and complex digital systems: Paula Gordon: Programs, policies, approaches and strategies focused primarily on enhancing cybersecurity, securing the internet, and ensuring the reliability and security of Program Logic Computers, Digital Control Systems, and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems are needed. Paula Gordon: All of these play a significant role in the nation's critical physical infrastructure. All play a critical role in national security, economic security, and individual, community, and societal security. Strategies focusing on improving cybersecurity comparable to those developed and implemented for Y2K... Paula Gordon: need to be spearheaded by the private sector or through public/private sector efforts, if the Department of Homeland Security, the National Institute for Standards and Technology, Congressional Committees, and/or the General Accounting Office or others do not assume lead roles in facilitating such efforts. Paula Gordon: 5) Focusing on the development of disaster resistant communities, states, and regions: Paula Gordon: Private/public sector efforts are needed that aim at developing a "disaster resistant" nation with disaster resistant communities, businesses and industries, states, and regions. By becoming as "disaster resistant" as possible, cascading impacts that could be expected to occur as a result of any of a variety of potential events or tactics would be minimized or mitigated, if not prevented altogether. Paula Gordon: DHS and FEMA/DHS need to emphasize the building of community-based and regional public/private sector efforts. Seattle, Washington and Jefferson County, West Virginia serve as two examples of such efforts. Existing efforts and networks that already aim at developing "disaster resistant" communities, businesses and... Paula Gordon: industries, etc., need to be strengthen, used as models, and built on. Information concerning best practices and model approaches need to be widely available. Informal or formal technical assistance and mentoring need to be provided. The American National Red Cross could be a key player in such efforts. Paula Gordon: 6) Fostering an all hazards approach to emergency preparedness: Paula Gordon: Emergency preparedness efforts, including attention to all phases of the emergency management cycle, are needed at all levels of society. There is a need to increase the number of days that individuals, families, work places, communities, and regions are prepared to be "self-sufficient" in the event people are unable to leave their homes or work places or travel freely. Paula Gordon: Such a situation could occur owing to any of a variety of events. During Y2K preparedness efforts, some jurisdictions emphasized the need for 7 - 10 days of food, water, and medical supplies. Prior to Y2K, government guidance for disaster preparedness for natural disaster extended to two to three weeks of supplies. Paula Gordon: Currently guidance seems to focus on 3 days of supplies. Public and/or private sector leadership is needed to stress the goal of a vastly increased level of emergency preparedness for individuals, families, workers in the workplace, or communities. Paula Gordon: The American Red Cross could play a major role in such efforts. Putting such measures in place could significantly minimize problems, including unnecessary hardship and potential social unrest that could otherwise be expected in the aftermath of any of a variety of natural, technological, or manmade events. Paula Gordon: An 800 number that people could call for advice such as the Public Information Center that existed for Y2K needs to be reinstated now. Not everyone has ready access to a computer. Not everyone is computer literate and even those who are ... Paula Gordon: may not be getting the answers they are seeking online or through the publications that they can request online or by an 800 number. Such a Homeland Security Public Information Center could also be used for rumor control. Paula Gordon: 7) Recognizing the most obvious vulnerabilities that could involve the greatest loss of life and destruction and taking steps to protect against and minimize the results of possible attacks and disruptions involving these elements of the nation's critical infrastructure: Paula Gordon: The concerns that many involved in Y2K efforts had shared need to be revived again today. Actions need to be taken to ensure that those elements of the nation's critical infrastructure that could cause the greatest loss of life and damage should have primary attention: ... Paula Gordon: nuclear power plants, chemical plants, hazardous materials sites, pipelines, the electric power grid, agriculture and live stock, food supplies, transportation systems, water purification plants and distribution systems, and waste management and treatment systems. Paula Gordon: The same concerns for worst case scenarios that were considered during Y2K need to be considered again. Indeed, even the threats posed by cyberwarfare and cyberterrorism could result in similar scenarios. Paula Gordon: (My White Paper on Y2K is archived on my homeland security website. These concerns were more fully discussed there in Part 2 of that White Paper. They are also touched on in an article on Y2K lessons learned and legacies that is posted on the website.) Paula Gordon: 8) Giving adequate attention and resources to interim, less than perfect, "make-do" plans and strategies as well as plans and strategies that can be ready in the near term: Paula Gordon: Planning for the distance future alone is not sufficient. Indeed undertaking assessments that focus on minutiae may yield more information than is necessary or useable. Far more attention needs to be given to less complete approaches to dealing with incidents or catastrophes. Paula Gordon: While putting in place long term comprehensive strategies, we must also be ready to take action had an event occurred yesterday or if one were to occur today or tomorrow. Such approaches would place far more reliance on taking immediate practical steps to deal with the situation at hand. Paula Gordon: Some instructive examples of how real world disasters can be addressed include the efforts of ESRI, E-Team, SAP, and Hewlett Packard and the support they provided to those who managed the response to the California Wildfires. Paula Gordon: There is also much to be learned from the New York City's response to 9/11. Leadership, pre-existing relationships, exercising, and preparedness and contingency planning made public and private sectors far more effective than they would have been otherwise. Paula Gordon: 9) Establishing at the highest levels of the Department of Homeland Security an internal thinktank, strategic planning, proactive, problemsolving, troubleshooting arm that would, among other things, identify and address problems that no one presently "owns" Paula Gordon: Such an arm of DHS could do much to keep any of a wide range of challenges, problems, and opportunities from slipping through the cracks. Mini-efforts modeled after the one that could be placed in the Office of the Secretary or the Deputy Secretary might also be created within each major component of the Department. Paula Gordon: In the poster presentation on my website entitled "Recognizing and Addressing Problems of Scientific and Technological Complexity," I outline three such problems that are slipping through the cracks... Paula Gordon: because they do not fall within the mission of any given entity of government, any Department, or any part of a Department. Proactive steps need to be taken to address these problems, challenges, and missed opportunities. Paula Gordon: 10) Organizing and implementing clearinghouse efforts that incorporate technical assistance support services: Paula Gordon: Clearinghouse efforts that foster best practices and lessons learned in a broad array of areas could do much to advance homeland security efforts. An article on my website entitled "Using E-Technology to Advance Homeland Security Efforts" mentions the need for such efforts as does the poster presentation also posted on my website entitled "Successful Knowledge Transfer." Paula Gordon: 11) Fostering the use of the Homeland Security Impact Scale as a means of providing a common context for understanding the continuing impacts of 9/11 and the impacts of possible future attacks or tactics: Paula Gordon: A section in my report on "Improving Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection and Continuity" is devoted to a simple survey tool that was used by those in the Washington DC Y2K Group ... Paula Gordon: to gather assessments from the 300 or so members of that group concerning what the possible impacts might be as a result of Y2K-related technology problems. I have adapted this scale for use in assessing homeland security impacts. Paula Gordon: We will pause so you may review the scale at: Paula Gordon: A primary value of the scale is that it forces individuals to consider what the impacts of 9/11 have been. It provides a common context or frame of reference to use when discussing what those impacts have been and what the impacts of possible future attacks or tactics could be. Use of the Impact Scale may even suggest steps that are needed to minimize past impacts as well as possible future impacts. Paula Gordon: In closing, this last slide lists and provides links to a number of the resources available on my Website, including some that I have mentioned during this overview: Paula Gordon: Thank you for this opportunity to share these recommendations with you. I would be pleased to hear your questions and comments, and if you wish to follow up offline, I can be reached at . I now turn the floor over to our Moderator. Amy Sebring: Thank you very much Paula. Our protocol for audience questions is to enter a question mark ? to indicate you wish to ask a question or make a comment. Amy Sebring: Then go ahead and compose your question or comment to have it ready, but do NOT hit your Enter key or click on the Send button until you are recognized by name. Please WAIT your turn. ricktobin: ? Amy Sebring: We will take questions in the order the question marks are sent to the screen. One question at at time please. If you have a follow up, please get back on line with a ? Roger Hovis: ? Amy Sebring: There is a system limitation on length of one entry, so please keep them reasonable in length. We are ready to begin now. José Musse: ? Amy Sebring: Rick, when you are ready please. ricktobin: I agree with your analysis on CIP improvements, but the challenge lies in finding the funding. Have you any policy thoughts on that? Paula Gordon: My primary concern at this point is getting everyone.... Paula Gordon: on the same page with regard to our understanding of the nature and scope of the challenges.... Paula Gordon: I don't think we are there as yet. Amy Sebring: Roger next please. Roger Hovis: Lawmakers have told the Department of Homeland Security they were concerned that a too-narrow focus on terrorism and a re-organization of the federal grants is undermining the nation's ability to deal with other disasters. I believe this is our primary message to DHS. Paula Gordon: What has been done, has been done.... William R. Cumming: Question? Paula Gordon: We must now try to improve and broaden the scope of our efforts. Amy Sebring: Jose next please. José Musse: This available in spanish language guidelines "disasters resistant" in reference a Weapons Massive Attack? Paula Gordon: I do not know if there are guidelines in Spanish.... Paula Gordon: I do know that Barbara Miller's Project Impact group.... Paula Gordon: hand been focusing on terrorism concerns. .. Paula Gordon: You may wish to contact her or Inez Pearce. Amy Sebring: William next please. (Other questions? Enter your ? at any time please) William R. Cumming: Do you have any evidence the administration is going to label small/medium natural disasters as not a federal problem? ray pena: ? Jennifer Vuitel: ? Barry Hoerz: ? Paula Gordon: I was concerned that DHS did not seem to be playing a major role in the Northeast Blackout.... Paula Gordon: I would have expected that they would have played more of a role. Amy Sebring: Ray next please. Larry Clavette: ? ray pena: We all say 9/11 changed everything. Where do you rank the events of 9/11 (and subsequent anthrax attacks) on your Impact Scale? William R. Cumming: Was it declared as a disaster? The Northeast Blackout? Kyle cleveland: ? Ed Purvis: ? Paula Gordon: I would say that we are at a 3 or a 4 on the scale as a result of 9/11. Amy Sebring: Jennifer next please. Jennifer Vuitel: When you discuss organizational culture, what level are you focusing on or are there suggestions for local, state, etc.? Paula Gordon: I don't know that it was. Perhaps someone else here would know. Paula Gordon: Organizations at all levels. I have a particular concern for DHS and for those portions of the Federal government Paula Gordon: that are most involved in homeland security. Amy Sebring: Barry next please. Barry Hoerz: As a Fire/Law Enforcement Chaplain, I am concerned about the organized efforts of creating Critical Incident resources for post-event scenerios... Barry Hoerz: Where can Chaplains fit into the planning? Paula Gordon: I would hope at every stage of preparedness planning, response, and recovery. Amy Sebring: Larry next please. Larry Clavette: How is the communication process fairing between the DHS and agencies such as FEMA; particularly, in regards to sensitive information? Paula Gordon: I have concerns in general regarding communication and collaboration... Paula Gordon: between the various elements of DHS, no less no with FEMA which of course is now a part of DHS. Amy Sebring: Kyle next please. ricktobin: ? Kyle cleveland: John Kerry has expressed that the "War on Terror" should be a law enforcement issue. As an insider, do you know what his plans would be to change DHS and its role in this effort? Paula Gordon: I have no knowledge of what ideas he may have on homeland security efforts. Amy Sebring: Ed next please. Ed Purvis: Looking at disasters internatioanally, the initial response is always local - government agencies are later. Inertia and jurisdiction and buracractic problems enter -- add communications (equipment and cultural problems) and the response must be local Amy Sebring: (We have time for more questions and comments. Please enter? anytime.) Tom Johns: ? Claire Reiss: ? Kyle cleveland: ? William R. Cumming: Question? Amy Sebring: Comment on Ed's comment Paula? Paula Gordon: I don't agree that all responses are local... Robert Moran: ? Paula Gordon: The response to the California Wildfires is a good example where there was public/private sector ... Paula Gordon: collaboration that involved all levels of government. Amy Sebring: Rick next please. ricktobin: The use of technology to manage all hazards is becoming a problem in itself. I've seen a lot of money wasted on buying technology without first asking what it was needed for, and desired outcomes. A lot sits unused because of no everyday use. Any thoughts on that quandry? Paula Gordon: I do try to address it some in work that is on my website.... Paula Gordon: See especially the piece on Using E-Technology to Advance Homeland Security Efforts.... Larry Clavette: ? Paula Gordon: There are also some ideas on this in the report on "Improving Homeland Security and CIP". Amy Sebring: Tom next please. Kevin Wilson: Yiou commented on several weeks of supplies instead of a few days, why do you feel the need for this longer period of time? Amy Sebring: Let's come back to Kevin. Tom are you ready? Paula Gordon: For a couple of reasons... Tom Johns: With respect to the "All hazards approach to Emergency Response Plans" (#6), what assistance or legal requirements do you envision in the future that might mandate or at a minimum encourage businesses and governments to possess ERP's? Paula Gordon: One is that people could share with neighbors if need be... Paula Gordon: Another is that there would be less likelihood of the social fabric coming apart.... Paula Gordon: civil unrest and the like. People would also be in a better place .... Paula Gordon: psychologically if they were homebound and yet had the basic necessities. Amy Sebring: Paula, can you still see Tom's question on the screen? Paula Gordon: It may well be that it will be necessary for the private sector to take the lead .... Paula Gordon: in this as well as other areas.... Paula Gordon: I have been encouraged by the work of the U.S. Chamber and I think that they and .... Paula Gordon: the Homeland Security Industrial Association, plus Ken Watson's group, PCIS ... Paula Gordon: could assume key leadership roles. Amy Sebring: Claire next please. Claire Reiss: Do you think the public has adequate information about realistic steps it can take to protect itself and prepare for an event? I have read comments lately that the public is in denial, and therefore has not prepared, but it seems to me that some of the recommendations have been somewhat overwhealming. (keeping a car packed at all times with extensive emergency supplies, for example) Is it possible that they have just given up? Paula Gordon: I think that the public might well be encouraged to do more and do more... Paula Gordon: basic things, particularly at first...... Paula Gordon: There needs to be leadership and understanding about awareness and preparedness... David Graham: ? Paula Gordon: Educational and awareness development efforts could be much better thought out. Amy Sebring: Kyle next please. Kyle cleveland: Let me rephrase my earlier question: Do you feel that we will EVER reach "stasis" on the responsibilities of all of the alphabet soup agencies? Even after the election? Amy Sebring: (I believe that those questions already in the queue will all we will have time for today.) Paula Gordon: I think that if leaders in the private sector were fully apprised of possible scenarios... Paula Gordon: that could evolve, they were be inspired to take the initiative if it is not being taken by the public sector. This could... Paula Gordon: come about as a part of the election year dialogue. Whether it will or not is a real question. Amy Sebring: William next please. William R. Cumming: In the case of a WMD event, do we (the public) know who, what, when, where the feds will show up and who is specifically in charge or coordinating any better now than on 9/12/01?ped at Paula Gordon: TOPOFF 2 reports would seem to indicate that there are real concerns that... Paula Gordon: have yet to be adequately addressed when it comes to coordinate response efforts.... Paula Gordon: and determining who has responsibility for what..... William R. Cumming: If a WMD event occurs today what "Plan" is used? Paula Gordon: I wonder if it would not be far more effective to focus next on assimilating lessons learned.... Paula Gordon: and creating better and more viable networks and better mutual aid agreements ... Paula Gordon: and engaging in tabletop exercising at increasing levels of challenge before .... Paula Gordon: trying to address far more complicated scenarios. Amy Sebring: Larry next please. Larry Clavette: Regarding our borders - I've heard several strategies discussed for tighter security against illegal immigrants. Have you heard recently of any particular strategies that seem, at the least, adequate? Paula Gordon: Bill, to respond to the second part of your question.... Paula Gordon: that is a real challenge.... Paula Gordon: I think we need to be thinking in terms of at least three approaches to planning and action.... Paula Gordon: the first being what we would be doing if something had happened yesterday or if something happened tomorrow.... Paula Gordon: the second being what we might be doing in six month or a year from now given that amount of time to refine our "immediate" plan of action.... Paula Gordon: and the third being, a more comprehensive approach we will need to work on for several years to come. William R. Cumming: I don't believe either NIMS or the NRP are effective, so it would be the FRP, FRERP, NCP in some permutation and combination and state and local EOP and WMD annexes. Amy Sebring: We are running out of time. Larry's question above on border strategies? Then David will be the last question after that. Paula Gordon: Larry, that is not an area that I have been focusing on and would be hesitant to make any statement about it that were not better thought out. Amy Sebring: David, last question now please. David Graham: Are you aware if DHS has any surveys or other information on the percentages or numbers of companies and government agencies that have emergency response plans in place and/or where such information might be found? Paula Gordon: I am not aware of any such surveys that have been done by DHS. The folks involved... Paula Gordon: with CPM East and West have had presenters at their conferences... Paula Gordon: who have addressed such matters. The U.S. Chamber might also be a source of information... Paula Gordon: plus a number of other organizations concerned with business continuity.... Paula Gordon: You might want to have a look at my January 6, 2004 listing of references and resources to identify some of those groups. Amy Sebring: That's all we have time for today. Thank you very much Paula for your time and effort. Great job. We hope you enjoyed the experiece. Please stand by while we make some quick announcements .... Amy Sebring: Again, the transcript will be posted late tonight and you will be able to access it from our home page or the background page. We also have a great archive of transcripts which you can access by topic from the home page. Amy Sebring: If you are not currently on our mailing list, and would like to get program announcements and notices of transcript availability, please see the Subscribe link on our home page. Amy Sebring: We have3 new Partners to announce: Amy Sebring: Georgia Department of Public Health - District Division 1 (Rome GA), POC: Bernard F. Raymond, EM Specialist Amy Sebring: All Hands, URL: , POC: Steven C. Davis, Principal Amy Sebring: UTD, Incorporated, URL: http://www. , POC: Bob Bankey Amy Sebring: If your organization is interested in becoming an EIIP Partner, please see the 'Partnership for You' link on our home page. Amy Sebring: Thanks to everyone for participating today. Great questions and comments. We stand adjourned but before you go, please help me show our appreciation to Paula for a fine job. //gavel Paula Gordon: Thank you all for your kind words and for the opportunity to share ideas with you.