Part I - Friday, May 15, 1998 05:03:40 PM Avagene Moore:Welcome to the EIIP Virtual Forum! ... 05:03:53 PM Avagene Moore:We are in the Virtual Forum to highlight an activity sponsored by the American Red Cross of Puerto Rico ... 05:04:08 PM Avagene Moore:The program scheduled for tonight, 6:00 - 9:30 PM EDT, is titled "Business and Industry Recovery After a Disaster". ... 05:04:25 PM Avagene Moore:The order of business today: After introductions, I will ask our guests a few questions. When you see input followed by an ellipse (...), please understand that there is more dialogue coming. ... 05:04:45 PM Avagene Moore:When we get to the Q&A portion of our hour, please type in a question mark (?) to indicate you have a question --- please type up your question and wait until you are recognized to send it to our guests. In this way, we can keep order. ... 05:05:24 PM Avagene Moore:It is my pleasure to introduce our guests today .... 05:05:36 PM Avagene Moore:Harvey Ryland, Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) and Gilberto Guevara, American Red Cross (ARC). ... 05:05:46 PM Avagene Moore:Harvey Ryland is President of the Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS). ... 05:06:28 PM Avagene Moore:Harvey began his postion as President and Chief Executive Officer of IBHS in 1996 ... 05:06:44 PM Avagene Moore:IBHS is a national, not-for profit corporation whose mission is to reduce injuries, deaths, property damage, economic losses and human suffering caused by natural disasters. ... 05:07:04 PM Avagene Moore:The Institute is supported by the insurance industry and others committed to accomplishing this mission. ... 05:07:44 PM Avagene Moore:Gilberto Guevaro is a Disaster Response Planner .... 05:07:55 PM Avagene Moore:for the American Red Cross (ARC) and is currently deployed in the Caribbean. ... 05:08:07 PM Avagene Moore:The ARC of Puerto Rico is a formal Partner in the Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership (EIIP) and Gilberto is our Point of Contact. ... 05:08:18 PM Avagene Moore:It is through Gilberto?s involvement in the EIIP that we are here in the Virtual Forum for this special weekend event. ... 05:08:34 PM Avagene Moore:We are happy to have both Harvey and Gilberto here today. ... 05:08:55 PM Avagene Moore:We understand that tonight's special activity is very important because of the formal partnership between the American Red Cross and Business and Industry leaders in emergency management. ... 05:09:32 PM Avagene Moore: I will ask a few questions about the program planned for business and industry leaders ... 05:09:45 PM Avagene Moore:First of all, Gilberto, what is the overall objective of this gathering tonight? 05:10:15 PM Gilberto Guevara:To formalize our ongoing activities with business and industry.. 05:10:32 PM Gilberto Guevara:We have been partners for many years, we depend on the support.. 05:11:08 PM Gilberto Guevara:now it is time to join forces to do joint mitigatio, preparedness, response, recovery planing 05:11:23 PM Avagene Moore:Gil, how many business and industry people are expected to attend? 05:11:53 PM Gilberto Guevara:There are 150 pre-registered B&I members. 05:12:00 PM Avagene Moore:Harvey, please tell us a little more about the mission of IBHS and its involvement in emergency management. 05:12:17 PM Avagene Moore: 05:13:31 PM HARVEY RYLAND:wE ARE CONCERNED WITH KEEPING BUSINESSES IN OPERATION AFTER A DISASTER... 05:15:27 PM HARVEY RYLAND:for many years we have concentrated on homes which is important of course, but we need to rember that we have to keep jobs, and taxes flowing after a disaster. 05:16:21 PM Avagene Moore:Harvey, my next question to you.... 05:16:35 PM Avagene Moore:what topics will you stress as you address your audience 05:18:10 PM HARVEY RYLAND:My theme will be that there are many things that businesses can do to protect customers, employees, and to minimize damage to the facility, and things to do to rapidly recover, if a facility must close. 05:18:22 PM Avagene Moore:Gilberto, a representative of the Small Business Administration (SBA), Herb Mithcell, will also speak tonight ... 05:18:35 PM Avagene Moore: ... 05:18:45 PM Avagene Moore:What will Mr. Mitchell discuss with the business and industry leaders? 05:19:50 PM HARVEY RYLAND:He will discuss the disaster aid available to businesses through the SBA. 05:20:05 PM Avagene Moore:This gives an overview of the topic for tonight. .. 05:20:10 PM Avagene Moore:Thank you, Harvey and Gilberto. Are there any questions or comments from our audience? 05:20:37 PM Amy Sebring:? 05:20:40 PM Avagene Moore:Please type in a ? if you have a question and wait to be recognized. 05:20:43 PM Avagene Moore:Yes AMy. 05:20:55 PM Amy Sebring:Is SBA interested in taking a role in mitigation education or just recovery? 05:21:39 PM Avagene Moore:Can you address that Harvey? 05:23:08 PM HARVEY RYLAND:It is my understanding that SBA is noving in that direction, but may have some comgressional issues to resolve concerning the use of SBA money. 05:23:27 PM Avagene Moore:Thanks, Harvey. Other questions? 05:23:40 PM Amy Sebring:I see. Have they worked with you at all in Showcase Community project Harvey? 05:24:39 PM HARVEY RYLAND:We have started discussions with Berkie Kulik on that issue, but it is not in place yet... 05:24:46 PM Amy Sebring:thanks 05:25:46 PM Amy Sebring:? 05:26:02 PM Avagene Moore:Amy. 05:26:12 PM HARVEY RYLAND:We do have a business requirement for our Showcase acommunity but it is being handled by the ACP-Disaster Recovery Business Alliance and the ARC. 05:26:30 PM Amy Sebring:Gil, do they observe Hurricane Supplication Day, and Hurricane Thanksgiving Day in Puerto Rico? 05:27:04 PM Gilberto Guevara:no we do not 05:27:04 PM Jim Cook:? 05:27:16 PM Avagene Moore:Jim , your question. 05:27:29 PM Jim Cook:More a comment than a question... 05:28:19 PM Jim Cook:Whenever I speak to business groups I find that they are suprised to find out that they are indeed part... 05:28:35 PM Jim Cook:of the communities disaster recovery plan. 05:28:56 PM Jim Cook:They think that the government is concerened only with residents and their homes. 05:29:29 PM Avagene Moore:Harvey, that goes back to something you and I were talking about earlier. 05:29:44 PM Jim Cook:I tell them (as I heard hear earlier) that they MUST survive or the community will die. 05:29:53 PM Jim Cook:here NOT hear 05:30:21 PM Avagene Moore:(don't worry about typos, Jim -- they happen) 05:30:30 PM Jim Cook:They are usually VERY glad to hear my comments from that moment on. 05:30:49 PM Jim Cook:Thats all 05:30:59 PM Gilberto Guevara:good strategy 05:31:14 PM HARVEY RYLAND:Yes, that it our experience also, but when you think about all of the advantages, such as keeping people employed... 05:31:54 PM HARVEY RYLAND:keeping your customers, keeping your suppliers... 05:33:02 PM HARVEY RYLAND:keeping the community on a sound economic basis, etc., it is very important to work with the business community. 05:33:26 PM Avagene Moore:Makes good sense politically too. 05:33:56 PM Jim Cook:I contend that a well prepared business that supplies services and goods to the community can work closely with the government to see that their doors stay open and the roads to the business are cleared sooner than later and the power is restored sooner than later. 05:34:12 PM HARVEY RYLAND:Yes, and business leaders generally... 05:34:52 PM HARVEY RYLAND:do not at first understand the benifits of helping other businesses... 05:35:23 PM Ashley Streetman:? 05:35:57 PM HARVEY RYLAND:stay in operation (customers and suppliers), and also supporting residential mitigation (customers and employees). 05:36:02 PM Avagene Moore:Ashley, you have a question? 05:36:18 PM Gilberto Guevara:We in ARC PR intend to support business and industry by providing training and support not only in Health and Safety, but in Disaster couses that will maintain safe communities 05:36:26 PM Ashley Streetman:Gil, will the partnership between the ARC and business/industry mean you will be training and exercising jointly? 05:36:46 PM Gilberto Guevara:Yes we so intend 05:37:32 PM Avagene Moore:Gil, have you had community exercises where business and industry participated? 05:38:27 PM Gilberto Guevara:Yes 05:39:12 PM Avagene Moore:Was this activity well received by all involved? Any lessons learned? 05:39:13 PM Ashley Streetman:? 05:39:14 PM Ashley Streetman:? 05:39:20 PM Gilberto Guevara:Hurricane Exercises and Evacuation exercises are but a couple of examples. 05:39:49 PM Gilberto Guevara:We are also jump starting a College degree in Emergency management. 05:40:14 PM Avagene Moore:Ashley has a question. 05:40:32 PM Gilberto Guevara:Business is essential to the community and little attention has been given to support their recovery from disasters.. 05:40:45 PM Ashley Streetman:What have you found to be effective in generating interest or getting the word out to businesses, particularly small businesses regarding disaster prevention and recovery? 05:40:47 PM Ashley Streetman:What have you found to be effective in generating interest or getting the word out to businesses, particularly small businesses regarding disaster prevention and recovery? 05:41:10 PM Gilberto Guevara:Helping business organize their plans and assist their emloyees.. 05:41:42 PM Isabel m McCurdy:? 05:41:54 PM Gilberto Guevara:The Hotel sector as na example, they had never through about allowing their family members in their facilities during a diaster.. 05:42:20 PM Gilberto Guevara:This has helped a great deal keeping the hotel running. 05:42:37 PM Avagene Moore:Isabel. 05:42:47 PM HARVEY RYLAND:We tell them that about 50% of businesses that have major damage bo out of business -- that gets their attention. 05:42:51 PM Isabel m McCurdy:Emergency management college degree program... 05:43:13 PM Isabel m McCurdy:Can you give us some more information?... 05:43:38 PM Isabel m McCurdy:On campus, internet? 05:44:11 PM Gilberto Guevara:It is part of the FEMA effort to develop higher education curriculum in different universities.. 05:44:39 PM Gilberto Guevara:We just had a chat with Dr. Balnchard on this subject this week, perhaps you can find the refernece in the library here. 05:45:08 PM Avagene Moore:Other questions? 05:45:35 PM Avagene Moore:Some of our audience haven't said anything yet. 05:45:35 PM Marilyn Barker:? 05:45:41 PM Avagene Moore:Marilyn. 05:45:55 PM Marilyn Barker:Do you solicit volunteers from the local citizens? 05:46:26 PM Gilberto Guevara:The Red Cross is but volunteers.. 05:46:48 PM Marilyn Barker:? 05:46:54 PM Gilberto Guevara:We have the knowledge, the systems, the traning and the desire to help other in time of need and we do it thorugh the citenzery. 05:47:02 PM Avagene Moore:Marilyn, question? 05:47:08 PM Marilyn Barker:But rather than send in disaster teams from other parts... 05:47:31 PM Marilyn Barker:is it better to get people in the region to support their own community? 05:47:50 PM Gilberto Guevara:Yes, that is the goal. To train localy to have enough people rady to help in each community. 05:48:34 PM Gilberto Guevara:The best programs are all grass roots. It is hard to retain volunteer but we try hard. 05:49:26 PM Avagene Moore:Comments or questions for Harvey or Gilberto? 05:49:27 PM Gilberto Guevara:Outside help and outside staff and so do the programs after they are long gone. 05:50:12 PM Amy Sebring:? 05:50:16 PM Avagene Moore:Amy. 05:50:25 PM Amy Sebring:I apologize if I stray off topic just a bit.... 05:50:49 PM Amy Sebring:but have you any early findings from Showcase Community Harvey? 05:52:21 PM HARVEY RYLAND:Yes, for example, the business program in Evansville, IN, was just one county, it is now grown to five counties and may go to seven. 05:52:57 PM Avagene Moore:Sounds very exciting, Harvey. Is everyone online familiar with the Showcase Community? 05:53:34 PM Avagene Moore:Harvey, in capsule form, can you tell us what Showcase Community is? 05:53:49 PM Ashley Streetman:I am not. 05:54:13 PM HARVEY RYLAND:Yes, it a community that has made a legislative committment ... 05:54:34 PM PAL:hello! 05:55:19 PM HARVEY RYLAND:to become a disaster resistant community. Our program and FEMA's Impact Community have the same goal ... 05:56:07 PM HARVEY RYLAND:se different ways to get there, it is important to try all types and see what the ... 05:56:10 PM Amy Sebring:Even though we are not a Project Impact 05:56:27 PM Amy Sebring:(sorry hit by accident, please finish Harvey) 05:56:38 PM HARVEY RYLAND:strenghts of each approach are. 05:56:55 PM Avagene Moore:Thank you, Harvey. Amy you have a comment? 05:57:06 PM Amy Sebring:city here in Corpus, I did manage to work the words disaster resistant and disaster resilient into our Hurricane Awareness Week Proclamation. 05:57:20 PM Avagene Moore:Good for you! 05:57:30 PM Amy Sebring:Will be in press releases as well. 05:57:39 PM Avagene Moore:Ladies and gentlemen, our time is about up for today. .... 05:57:45 PM Amy Sebring:It's a small start at getting used to hearing the terms. 05:58:00 PM Avagene Moore:I would like to remind you that we will be online again tomorrow afternoon, Saturday, May 16, 3:00 PM EDT, ... 05:58:12 PM Avagene Moore:when Armond Mascelli, ARC, joins Gilberto to discuss the Air Disaster portion of the 1-day program scheduled for disaster volunteer leadership in Puerto Rico. ... 05:58:23 PM Avagene Moore:Please join us for an online discussion about the May 16 "Second Annual Disaster Convention" ... 05:58:44 PM Avagene Moore: Thank you, Harvey and Gilberto .. 05:59:01 PM Avagene Moore:We wish you well with your program tonight for business and industry. Good work you are doing! ... 05:59:10 PM Avagene Moore:Thanks to our audience, also! 05:59:31 PM Avagene Moore:Any last comments to our guests. (Clap, clap!) 05:59:40 PM Cecil Whaley:Thank you for allowing me to join into the conversation 05:59:49 PM Gilberto Guevara:Thank you very pleased to have the audience we had tonight. Please tne in tomorrow from 3-4 pm. 05:59:50 PM Avagene Moore:Good job, Harvey and Gil. 06:00:04 PM Amy Sebring:Thank you, clap clap clap 06:00:10 PM Jim Cook:This was my first EIIP conference. I was great. 06:00:11 PM Ashley Streetman:Thank you very much, Harvey and Gilberto! 06:00:17 PM Amy Sebring:And best wishes for no hurricanes Gil. 06:00:19 PM Avagene Moore:Yes, glad to have everyone. Cecil, glad to see you with us. Jim, make it a habit. 06:00:19 PM Jim Cook:It NOT I 06:00:23 PM HARVEY RYLAND:Farewell from beautiful Puerto Rico. 06:00:25 PM Amy Sebring:Yes you were great!! 06:01:00 PM Avagene Moore:Thanks so much, Harvey. We will follow up with Showcase Communities as the effort progresses. OK? 06:01:02 PM Marilyn Barker:Thank you also. I'll try to be here tomorrow. 06:01:05 PM Amy Sebring:Sorry Steve, we are just finishing up. 06:01:27 PM Amy Sebring:Glad to hear that Evansville has been so well received Harvey. 06:01:35 PM Avagene Moore:Yes, Steve, join us tomorrow 3 PM Eastern time for more Puerto Rican events. 06:01:38 PM Steve Luminati:Sorry to have missed it. Still doping out the American Red Cross network. :) 06:02:21 PM Avagene Moore:There will be a transcript posted in a few days in the EIIP Virtual Forum Library. 06:02:35 PM Steve Luminati:Terrific. Thanks, all. 06:02:49 PM Avagene Moore:Good night. Best wishes for a great program tonight, Harvey and Gil. 06:03:31 PM Gilberto Guevara:We are happy with the presentation,must hurry now to the conference. By for now. 06:04:43 PM Avagene Moore:Good night, everyone. Come back tomorrow! Part II - Saturday May 16, 1998 03:06:47 PM Avagene Moore:Welcome to the EIIP Virtual Forum! Today we are pleased to present a very special event from one of our Partners, the American Red Cross (ARC) of Puerto Rico. .... 03:07:02 PM Avagene Moore:Today, May 16, is the "Second Annual Disaster Convention" held at the Best Western Mayaguez Resort in Puerto Rico. ... 03:07:14 PM Avagene Moore:Our guests today are Gilberto Guevara and Armond Mascelli, both with the American Red Cross. ... 03:07:26 PM Avagene Moore:Gilberto Guevara is an ARC Disaster Response Planner and is currently deployed in the Caribbean. ... 03:08:20 PM Avagene Moore:Armond Mascelli is Senior Director of Disaster Services in ARC National Headquarters, Washington DC..... 03:08:35 PM Avagene Moore:Armond is responsible for ensuring ARC response and service delivery for an an average of 200 major disasters each year within the US and its territories, and ... 03:08:46 PM Avagene Moore:for providing daily guidance to Red Cross chapters responding to local disaster incidents. ... 03:09:10 PM Avagene Moore:We are happy to have both of you with us today. .... 03:09:26 PM Avagene Moore:With Armond's and Gilberto's input from today's ongoing conference, we will overview some of the highlights of the conference program for disaster volunteers. ... 03:09:41 PM Avagene Moore:Please note that Armond and Gil are using one laptop today and Armond's name is shown --- we have asked Gil to indicate he is talking by putting in his name (Gil). ... 03:09:59 PM Avagene Moore:Gilberto, what is your role in today's conference? 03:10:02 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil:Facilitator and planner. Just experiencing the fruits of the planning. 03:10:22 PM Avagene Moore:Gilberto, what are the preparedness issues considered in the program? 03:10:57 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: New guidelines for leaders in the Air Disaster planing, preparedness for this Hurricnae season and mitigation knowledge. 03:11:05 PM Avagene Moore:Gil, how many are in attendance at the conference today? 03:11:19 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: We have over 160 participants. 03:11:27 PM Avagene Moore:Armond, what types of new information are you sharing today with the Puerto Rican leadership? 03:12:52 PM Armond Mascelli:We covered the federal act in some detail and elated how the act will require certain local actions in anticipation of and in response to an actual incident. 03:14:01 PM Avagene Moore:Would you please overview key points of your presentation? 03:15:21 PM Avagene Moore:(The Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996) 03:15:52 PM Armond Mascelli:Aviation disasters are very complex events They demand prompt decision making and action Air disasters are very emotional events for all involved - victims, responders, service providers, survivors, family members. 03:17:35 PM Avagene Moore:What about the history of the Act of 1996? 03:20:29 PM Armond Mascelli:The Act has a very short yet strong history. In short the act was passed in response to the family members of several past aviation disasters who felt they had not been treated appropriately following the disaster. Many testified before Congress during a series of hearings in June 1996 - describing the event and how it affected them. 03:21:21 PM Avagene Moore:How does the NTSB Plan and Victim Support Tasks come into play? 03:21:48 PM Avagene Moore:(National Transportation Safety Board) 03:22:35 PM Avagene Moore: 03:23:52 PM Armond Mascelli:The act in essense now requires a systematic and reliable way of responding to aviation disasters.The NTSB was given the responsiility to oversee such a process. The NTSP response plan, with its Victim Support Tasks, outlines bacic responsibilities of those agencies and orgrnizations esignated to respond to future aviation disasters. 03:24:56 PM Avagene Moore:Are there any of the Victim Support Tasks that you would like to stress? 03:25:50 PM Avagene Moore:I would think VST 3 that relates to Family Care and Mental Health would be very important to everyone. 03:26:12 PM Avagene Moore: 03:27:01 PM Avagene Moore:(In two parts) 03:27:22 PM Armond Mascelli:I believe they are all important given the nature of the event The most important factor I suggest is the planning and preparedness that goes on before the accident. The time crunch and serious nature of these incidents requires prompt, knowlegable and effective action - all this cannot happen with prior planning and preparedness within and between organizations. 03:27:46 PM Avagene Moore:Armond and Gilberto, I understand you also addressed hurricane preparedness ... 03:27:58 PM Avagene Moore:Would one or both of you like to comment on that part of today's conference before we open the discussion to questions from our audience? 03:29:50 PM Armond Mascelli:Hurricanes are serious business and a fact of life in the Caribbean Effective response to hurricanes are particularly challenging for islands... 03:31:40 PM Armond Mascelli:Many islands must be self sufficient for days following major hurricanes as often an island's airports and docks can be damaged and unable to immediately receive incoming relief planes and ships. 03:31:50 PM Avagene Moore:Thank you for the overview, gentlemen. To the audience: Please type in a question mark (?) to indicate you have a question and send. ... 03:32:01 PM Avagene Moore:Please prepare your question but hold it until you are recognized. First question -- send a ? please. 03:32:09 PM Amy Sebring:(avagene, I think we can manage with just the two of us!) 03:32:16 PM Amy Sebring:? 03:32:21 PM Avagene Moore:OK. Go for it. Amy. 03:32:38 PM Amy Sebring:When the act was passed there was concern in the Emergency management community... 03:32:58 PM Amy Sebring:about the fact that NTSB did not use an Incident Command system... 03:33:16 PM Amy Sebring:There are many agencies to coordinate. Has any progress been made in this area? 03:36:13 PM Armond Mascelli:The ICS is used for local government response to aviation disaster response, particularly in the areas of search and rescue/reovery. The role and coordination responsibilities of NTSB are to see that a numberof things the Congress stipulated get done.... 03:37:24 PM Armond Mascelli:Many of these action such as working with the airlines and others do not require use of ICS. 03:37:56 PM Amy Sebring:Has the plan been tested in a major air disaster since it was written? 03:38:01 PM Avagene Moore:Other comments or questions for Armond or Gil? 03:38:21 PM Avagene Moore:(sorry, Amy, timing was off.) 03:38:34 PM Armond Mascelli:The act has actually been implemented sucessfully 3 times since it was passed...... 03:39:29 PM Armond Mascelli:November 1996 - Quincy, Ill, January 1997 Monroe, Mich, and Aug 1997 on Guam. 03:40:45 PM Amy Sebring:Is there a special concern in this area in Puerto Rico? 03:41:31 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: Yes we have had several accidents with cargo planes. This is a major hub for the Caribbbean and the Central and South American routes.... 03:41:55 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: We just need to start our planning now so we are not surprised. 03:42:57 PM Isabel McCurdy:What are the predictions for hurricanes this season in Puerto Rico? 03:43:30 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: 10 storms, 6 Hurricanes and of those 2 level Vs. 03:43:46 PM Sheri Frost:Gilberto, you know my question, are we ready with support staff? 03:43:46 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: El nino will be the forteller of our future this season. 03:44:20 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: We are working fast and furious.. 03:44:20 PM Avagene Moore:That sounds ominous, Gil. How much planning and exercising do you do for hurricanes? 03:44:43 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: Bill Bombeck highlighted the successes in PR, we now have 368 DHSR memebrs.. 03:45:06 PM Armond Mascelli:Also the Volunteer recruitment (CDV) is a major success in PR. 03:45:12 PM Amy Sebring:DHSR? 03:45:26 PM Armond Mascelli:Disaster Services Humasn Resourc e System. 03:45:54 PM Avagene Moore:Does the planning and public information extend to each family and household? 03:46:01 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: Total nationwide is 21,000+ volunteers. 03:46:41 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: We are working with the State Civil Defense to get to the coomunities at risk.. 03:47:03 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: This is in the cae of Hurricanes, for avaition disaster, our learning curve is picking up.. 03:47:42 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: That is why we have Armond here today, to tel us what the expectations are from the Congress, NTSB, public and the Corporate Hqtrs. 03:47:58 PM Amy Sebring:Is warning infrastructure a problem in PR? or is TV/radio pretty pervasive? 03:48:32 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: It is a problem, not enough resourcess $$$$,, but TV and radio are okay.. 03:49:07 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: of course, with the storm, all the antennas will go down, so there will be gaps in the coverage area. 03:49:46 PM Isabel McCurdy:What do you do when the antennas go down? 03:49:50 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: Then there is the issue of where do we evacuate to...?., we can't go to themainland. 03:50:21 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: It is local response, warning being provided by CD and PD.. 03:50:52 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: we have been fortunate, no major killer storms lately, but the clock is ticking. 03:51:04 PM Isabel McCurdy:CD? PD? 03:51:25 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil:sorry, Civil Defense, Police Department. 03:51:43 PM Amy Sebring:Has PR been a destination for refugees? Does ARC work on this issue in Carribean? 03:52:10 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: yes and no. We are thestage for evacuations from the other islands.. 03:52:36 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: mainly the US Vigin Islands to the mainland. 03:53:00 PM Avagene Moore:Since you have had 2 days of good information, will hard copies of public information about Air Disasters and Hurricane preparedness be available to the public? 03:53:41 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: Yes, they are available through local ARC Chapters... 03:53:58 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: Also through 03:54:48 PM Avagene Moore:One last question, anyone? 03:55:07 PM Amy Sebring:Here is link for online NTSB reports... 03:55:10 PM Amy Sebring: 03:55:43 PM Isabel McCurdy:Hard copies available to Canada? 03:56:29 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: Only through the Internet for now.... 03:57:06 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: you would have to go through the Canadian Red Cross who can request it directly from ARC. Justa matter of protocale. 03:57:12 PM Avagene Moore:We are at the end of our online presentation today. We thank Armond for taking the time to share his program presentation with us. ... 03:57:27 PM Avagene Moore:Gilberto, we are indebted to you for making it possible to share in your preparedness activities yesterday and today. ... 03:57:43 PM Avagene Moore:Congratulations to the ARC of Puerto Rico on a successful conference and thanks for making the effort to share with us in the Virtual Forum. ... 03:57:56 PM Avagene Moore:The emergency management community is indeed a small one and we need the benefit of sharing events, experience, and expertise. ... 03:58:08 PM Avagene Moore:You have done that with us this weekend in the Virtual Forum! On behalf of the Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership (EIIP), thank you! 03:58:19 PM Amy Sebring:(Transcript will be posted with background information in a few days.) 03:58:26 PM Avagene Moore:Job well done, Armond and Gilberto! 03:58:46 PM Armond Mascelli:Gil: Thank you Avagene and Amy for your support. 03:58:48 PM Avagene Moore:I hope you enjoyed the experience with us today. 03:58:53 PM Amy Sebring:Thank you very much. I think we will call this session Live! from Puerto Rico.