08:05:00 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Welcome to the Thursday evening Round Table! 08:05:13 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:We are here to discuss the NFPA 1600.... 08:05:15 PM Tim Murphy:Rick ...call some time and you'll get an online tour. 08:05:26 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:We are very fortunate to have Mr. Lloyd Bokman, Chair of the NFPA 1600 Committee... 08:05:39 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:and many others with us tonight to join the discussion.... 08:05:52 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:I apologize, Lloyd, if I have the committee name and/or your title incorrect. 08:06:11 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:For starters, Lloyd, would you give us a little background or history on the NFPA 1600? 08:06:14 PM Lloyd Bokman:You're doing fine 08:06:28 PM Lloyd Bokman:I'd be glad to 08:06:49 PM Lloyd Bokman:First of all, I'd like to say good evening to all 08:07:24 PM Lloyd Bokman:NFPA 1600 started back in 1991 when there was a request for it 08:07:54 PM Lloyd Bokman:This request was put before the NFPA Standards Council which then approved it 08:08:17 PM Lloyd Bokman:I got involved in 1993 (Janyuary) 08:09:09 PM Lloyd Bokman:The purpose of the document is to come up with a standard on an ... 08:09:35 PM Lloyd Bokman:emergency management program that all could use ... 08:10:11 PM Lloyd Bokman:in the public sector, the private sector and internationally ... 08:10:48 PM Lloyd Bokman:The first document came out in 1995 as a Recommended Practice ... 08:11:17 PM Lloyd Bokman:versus a standard. We are in a new revision cycle ... 08:11:40 PM Lloyd Bokman:where we are trying to upgrade that document to a standard. 08:12:27 PM Lloyd Bokman:That's a short history of where we've been and where we're going 08:12:37 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:What is the next step? 08:12:57 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Deadlines, comments, etc? 08:12:57 PM Lloyd Bokman:We have one more meeting in June ... 08:13:23 PM Lloyd Bokman:to finish up the draft and then it will go out for public comment 08:13:50 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:How will folks access it for public comment? 08:13:56 PM Lloyd Bokman:Public comment period will be in the fall 08:14:14 PM Lloyd Bokman:It will be published in a report .. 08:14:31 PM Lloyd Bokman:from the NFPA which can be requested ... 08:14:35 PM shelley boone:Lloyd, before we progress a ?, please. The original version (95) was highly fire-service oriented; no surprise there....how would you characterize the current version is oriented....as much fire oriented or less than last time? 08:14:52 PM Lloyd Bokman:free of charge and it will be on the ... 08:15:03 PM Lloyd Bokman:NFPA's web site 08:15:58 PM Lloyd Bokman:Hmmmm .. well, I don't think this one is fire service oriented ... 08:16:43 PM Lloyd Bokman:I guess we'll have to wait for the comments to come back 08:17:21 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Lloyd, I am concerned that a lot of emergency managers aren't aware of this proposed standard. Is the current draft available? 08:17:54 PM Lloyd Bokman:The current draft won't be available till this summer ... 08:18:13 PM Lloyd Bokman:because In June we still have to finalize it. 08:18:24 PM AK Miller:Avagene NFPA has it in their current cataloge for $26.00 08:18:40 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Is there anyone else besides Bob online with us tonight who has been involved with the work thus far? 08:18:58 PM Lloyd Bokman:Yes, Andy, but that is the 1995 version ... 08:19:11 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:On the committee, I mean. 08:19:18 PM Lloyd Bokman:the current draft or revision is still being written 08:19:36 PM Randall Duncan:Avagene, as President of International Association of Emergency Managers, we have been involved in working with the NFPA on this project. Originally, Margaret Dimmick was our representative. Currently, Leo Miller represents us with the NFPA. 08:20:01 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Yes, I tried to get hold of Mr Miller for tonight. 08:20:05 PM Amy Sebring:We have read that the current draft incorporates Mr. Fletcher's 13 EMF's (Emergency Management Functions). Is that the direction? and would Mr. F like to comment? 08:20:54 PM Bob Fletcher: Hello everyone. It's great to be here tonight for this session. This topic is very important to the EM community and me personally. I appreciate the opportunity to meet with Randy in particular since we have been unable to connect in person. 08:21:40 PM Bob Fletcher:The NFPA technical committee actually improved somewhat on the 13 EMFs in the CAR. 08:22:22 PM Bob Fletcher:They reworded many of them to make them apply to the program in general vs just operations 08:22:34 PM Amy Sebring:(CAR=Capability Assessment for Readiness) 08:23:04 PM Bob Fletcher:The CAR was an assessment but the tech committee made the elements standards...a needed improvement. 08:23:29 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Questions, anyone? 08:23:32 PM Rick Tobin:Since the Federal Response Plan revision is almost ready for release, will the NFPA 1600 be held to ensure it synchs with the new FRP? 08:23:41 PM Bob Fletcher:Also the elemenst apply quite well to non governmental entities.... 08:24:36 PM Bob Fletcher:No conflict with the FRP in my view. 08:24:39 PM Amy Sebring:Mr. Bokman, do you anticipate this standard will also be adopted by ANSI and perhaps ultimately an ISO standard? 08:25:06 PM Lloyd Bokman:Well, the NFPA is accredited by ANSI ... 08:25:39 PM Lloyd Bokman:I'm not sure how ANSI adopts standards ... 08:26:06 PM Lloyd Bokman:But the NFPA is working with ISO ... 08:26:28 PM Lloyd Bokman:on the adoption of many standards in general ... 08:26:53 PM Lloyd Bokman:I don't think 1600 is one of them right now ... 08:27:22 PM Lloyd Bokman:since it is not yet officially a standard and is under revision. 08:27:51 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:What determines the 1600 becoming a standard? 08:28:02 PM Lloyd Bokman:However, down the road I think it is possible. 08:28:03 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Who determines that? 08:28:36 PM Lloyd Bokman:First a two thirds vote of the committee .. 08:29:09 PM Lloyd Bokman:then a vote of the general membership of the NFPA at an annual convention ... 08:29:35 PM Lloyd Bokman:with final approval by the NFPA Standards Councils ... 08:29:39 PM Isabel McCurdy: Can you list the element standards? 08:29:57 PM Lloyd Bokman:There is also an appeals process with the standards Council. 08:31:04 PM Lloyd Bokman:They are the 13 elements from the CAR Document ... 08:31:48 PM Lloyd Bokman:Laws and authorities, Hazard ID and Risk assessment ... 08:32:19 PM Lloyd Bokman:hazard managemt, resource management ... 08:33:19 PM Lloyd Bokman:Planning elements, tasks and responibilities, 08:33:40 PM Lloyd Bokman:Direction and Control, Communications and Warning, ... 08:34:07 PM Lloyd Bokman:Operations and Procedures, Logistics and facilities ... 08:34:35 PM Lloyd Bokman:training, exercises and evaluation, ... 08:34:51 PM Lloyd Bokman:and public education and information ... 08:35:20 PM Lloyd Bokman:I hope I got them alll and in the right order. 08:35:24 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:What bearing does the comment period have on the process? To whom will comments go once the proposed standard is released? 08:35:57 PM Lloyd Bokman:The committee is required to review each comment and respond to it ... 08:36:29 PM Lloyd Bokman:The response of the committee to each comment will be published in another report ... 08:37:02 PM Lloyd Bokman:and a letter with a copy of the report will be sent to each person who submitted a comment. 08:37:36 PM Lloyd Bokman:Also the report will be free to any who ask for a copy. 08:38:33 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Questions, anyone? 08:38:37 PM Lloyd Bokman:The committee may change the content of the document ... 08:38:55 PM Lloyd Bokman:based on the comments it receives ... 08:39:23 PM Lloyd Bokman:That is hoe the 1995 version became a Recommended Practice vs a standard ... 08:39:46 PM Lloyd Bokman:because of comments submitted at the time and the committee agreed. 08:39:50 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:In other words, we may see another draft or two? 08:40:21 PM Lloyd Bokman:You will see the initial draft for comment ... 08:40:53 PM Lloyd Bokman:then based on the comments the draft may or may not be revised ... 08:41:23 PM Lloyd Bokman:but out of that will come the final version for committee vote ... 08:41:50 PM Lloyd Bokman:If it does not get a two thirds vote, then we start over again. 08:41:54 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Thanks for the clarification, Lloyd. 08:41:57 PM Randall Duncan:IAEM supports the creation of standards for emergency management. This increases the professionalism within our field. The revisions being contemplated from the 1995 verssion to the present one are very positive, from Mr. Bookman's discussion this evening. 08:42:20 PM Amy Sebring:Could this anticipated standard form the basis for EM program accreditation also? Bob? 08:42:23 PM Lloyd Bokman:Tahnk you, Randy I agree. 08:42:45 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:I don't want to ask all the questions. Questions? 08:42:49 PM Rick Tobin:FEMA also produced the Guide for All-Hazard Operations Planning, SLG-101. Was this factored into the new standards? 08:43:24 PM Bob Fletcher:Acceditation is something being looked at by the National Emergency management Assocaition 08:43:31 PM Lloyd Bokman:Bob will testify that I had a copy in front of me at the last meeting ... 08:43:45 PM Randall Duncan:IAEM staff and I are currently working on a very "preliminary draft" of a potential local emergency management program accreditation proposal. It is very tenuous, and is strictly in the discussion stages at this point. It's outlines aren't even visible in soft butter, let alone stone! 08:43:58 PM Lloyd Bokman:and we even incorporated some language directly from it. 08:44:07 PM Bob Fletcher:They are benchmarking on other emergenc services initiatives. 08:45:35 PM Bob Fletcher:I also see some standard setting on the horizon in cooperation with States in conjunction with the Grant program. 08:46:04 PM Amy Sebring:Do you mean separate from this effort Bob? 08:46:27 PM Bob Fletcher:Generally, I believe that the profession is ready for standards and accreditation. 08:47:00 PM Randall Duncan:As an interesting sideline, the National Weather Service is also becomming involved with the emergency management community. The forecast office in Tulsa, Oklahoma is currently working with the Insurance Services Organization (ISO) to look at adding preference points to the Community Rating System (CRS) system under NFIP for those communities who meet minimum standards for spotter programs. 08:47:05 PM Bob Fletcher:Compatible with but probably aimed more at streamlining grants to States. 08:47:31 PM Amy Sebring:Lloyd, when do you expect this process to be complete? 08:47:54 PM Lloyd Bokman:This particular revision is scheduled ... 08:48:16 PM Lloyd Bokman:to go before the NFPA annual meeting in the fall of 1999 ... 08:48:46 PM Lloyd Bokman:Each revision cycle has a set schedule and that is ours right now ... 08:49:01 PM Lloyd Bokman:If I could clarify something for a moment ... 08:49:30 PM Lloyd Bokman:In the past there has been some confusion as to what the NFPA is ... 08:50:01 PM Lloyd Bokman:and a common misconception is that it is an organization of firefighters ... 08:50:27 PM Lloyd Bokman:Actually, there are over 60,000 members world wide ... 08:50:52 PM Lloyd Bokman:and only about 24% are affiliated with fire depts ... 08:51:29 PM Lloyd Bokman:On our committee we have only four firefirefighters ... 08:52:26 PM Lloyd Bokman:and one is the new IAEM (NCCEM) rep and one is the Fire Chief's Assoc rep .. 08:53:07 PM Lloyd Bokman:Most of the members of the NFPA are business people, government people .. 08:53:10 PM Isabel m McCurdy:Do you have Canadians within your membership? 08:53:53 PM Lloyd Bokman:and people from other carreer fields such as the health care industry .. 08:54:33 PM Lloyd Bokman:Yes, in fact our previous Chair was from Alcan Aluminum in Montreal ... 08:54:54 PM Lloyd Bokman:The point is that the standards making process ... 08:55:09 PM Lloyd Bokman:is a process of consensus building ... 08:55:43 PM Lloyd Bokman:and to do that you need a broad based representation from a interested parties ... 08:56:07 PM Lloyd Bokman:and that is really who and what makes up the NFPA ... 08:56:54 PM Lloyd Bokman:I myself have worked for the Ohio Emergency Management Agency for almost ten years ... 08:56:55 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Folks our time is about gone --- one last question: What are the implications of a Recommended Practice for emergency management? 08:57:15 PM Randall Duncan:IAEM is also involved in increasing professionalism within the emergency management field by credentialling emergency management personnel. Many of you are probably familiar with our Certified Emergency Manager (r) credential, the CEM(r). We believe there will eventually be a spectrum...standards and accreditation for programs and credentialling of individuals. 08:57:18 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:(Sorry, Lloyd, finish your thought please. 08:57:49 PM Amy Sebring:(What are implications of Standard vs. Recommended Practice?) 08:58:10 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:(Thanks, Amy.) 08:58:21 PM Lloyd Bokman:I just wanted to make the point that it's not a monopoly of firefighters. 08:59:07 PM Lloyd Bokman:Standards are written in a legal language of using "shall" ... 08:59:37 PM Lloyd Bokman:so that a local jurisdiction could, if they wanted to, adopt them into law .. 09:00:20 PM Lloyd Bokman:Recommended Practices are written in the language of "should" so that it could ... 09:00:46 PM Lloyd Bokman:only be a recommendation, but even standards are voluntary ... 09:01:08 PM Lloyd Bokman:they have no force of law unless adopted into law or codified.' 09:01:28 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Thank you for joining us tonight, Lloyd. You have done an excellent job explaining the history, status and process for the NFPA 1600. Thanks to Bob, Randy, Rick, and everyone who particpated. Good audience! 09:01:57 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Lloyd, we may need to discuss this again --- are you game? 09:01:58 PM Lloyd Bokman:You're welcome and thak you to everybody. 09:02:08 PM Bob Fletcher:Yes, and as always Avagene, YOU set the standard. 09:02:14 PM Lloyd Bokman:Any time - I'd be glad to. 09:02:17 PM Amy Sebring:Lloyd, thank you. Excellent job. You are a natch at this! 09:02:54 PM Randall Duncan:I think there's still plenty of interest, and frankly some education that needs to be done within our field to insure understanding of what's happening with this project and other related project. 09:02:55 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Wonderful! This has been great! Thanks to all. There will be a transcript posted in a few days. Please look for it and tell others about it. 09:03:20 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Randy, I believe you are right. Need better communication about this. 09:03:47 PM Amy Sebring:Lloyd, the NFPA website needs updating on this. 09:03:51 PM Rick Tobin:Will these standards help even the activities across international boundaries, and thus improve international assistance operations and cooperation? 09:03:56 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:The EIIP Virtual Forum will do its part to spread the word. 09:04:16 PM Amy Sebring:(My supper is ready. Have to go. Thanks to all.) 09:04:33 PM Lloyd Bokman:Many countries use NFPA stndards alreadys so yes ... 09:04:44 PM Rick Tobin:Thanks. 09:04:57 PM Lloyd Bokman:In fact one of our comittee members gave a presentation ... 09:05:12 PM Lloyd Bokman:in South America on NFPA 1600. 09:05:18 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Personally, I am anxious to read the latest version of the proposed standard. I am sure others will be too. 09:05:25 PM Tim Murphy:Need to move on as well...nite all. 09:05:32 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Thanks Tim. 09:05:57 PM Avagene Moore EIIP:Thanks again to all. Shall we adjourn for the night? 09:06:05 PM Rick Tobin:I'm off. Thanks. Great stuff. Plans Unit here will definetely want to see this transcript. Bye